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After a very restless nights sleep I turned over to look at my alarm clock, 4:30 am. "Eurgh" I groaned to myself as I dragged my limp legs out from under the duvet and shivers wracked my body as my feet hit the floor.

Not being able to stand how cold my surroundings were I got up and traipsed to the bathroom flicking the button which turns my shower on and watched as water cascaded out of the shower head down Into the bathtub, finding it's way to the plug hole.

My sleep had been really disrupted over the past few weeks, ever since that accident happened I had been over cautious and jumpy about my surroundings causing me to loose sleep.

"All right I'll see you tomorrow George, Goodnight" I call to the doorman as I started to make my way home it wasn't too late, the sun had just started to go down casting shadows in between the buildings of Hells Kitchen.

Humming to myself as I walked down one of the back roads so I could get home quicker I thought I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. Whipping my head around and frantically looking around to find that I was alone in the alley. "That's it, you've completely lost the plot now" I say to myself as I turned around and carried on walking but now at a faster pace.

Looking down I then realised that my shoe lace was undone and I was not risking falling over so I bent down to tie my lace. As I did this I then noticed a pair of feet behind me. Alarm bells started calling to me in my head to get the heck out of there but as I urged my legs to move, I found I was frozen to the spot.

"Well well well... Look what we have here then lads" The man spoke from behind me making me shoot up so I was now standing up, ready to face any threat that came towards me.

'Who am I kidding, I don't know how to defend myself!' I think to myself as I see four other men come out from the dark shadows and slowly start advancing towards me. Frantically I started to glance around to try and find an escapee route,- "Ah Ah Ah" One of the men spoke up. "Don't you dare try and run, we will still catch you" He spoke again making goosebumps rise all over my body.

"Grab her" Another man said noticing my body stance change as I prepared to sprint down an alley that lead to a main road. This was my chance, I took off sprinting, adrenaline pumping through my veins making me run even faster. "Help, somebody help me please" I Cried out in desperation as I hear them catching up to me. "Hel-" I was cut off by one of the men tackling me to the ground. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the impact on the cold damp floor, when it came the pain was excruciating, to make matters worse the man who had tackled me landed on top of me crushing my into the floor even more.

Whimpering I started to struggle underneath the overly large man trying to find a way to get free, but failing miserably as he grabbed ahold of my arms pinning them above my head straddling my waist.

"She's a feisty one isn't she boys?" He called out as I continued to struggle from underneath him. "Please just let me go, please" I sob, realising I wasn't going to get away from him or the other men. "Now why would we waste a chance to have some fun with such a beautiful young thing" He said now laughing with the others.

"I don't think you will be having any fun tonight then" A voice rang out from behind me. THANKGOD! Someone was here to help me.

"Oh my god, boys it's him! The man in black" The man on top of me exclaimed clambering  to his feet, freeing me from underneath him. 

Ignoring the pounding in my head I fought my way to my knees feeling winded from the assault, glancing to where I remember the assailants to have been standing onto to find they were no longer standing, but sprawled out across the ground.

Before I could help it a whimper escapes my lips wondering if this mysterious guy in black had done that to those guys, what was my fate.  

• My DareDevil • Charlie CoxWhere stories live. Discover now