I made my way downtown to Foggy and Matts office after our phone call where I explained briefly what had happened with Thomas. Foggy and Matt were going to help me get revenge on him in the form of a lawsuit.
Reaching the office block I entered and rode in the elevator to the top floor where I came across a door with a piece of cardboard stuck to it. On Further inspection I found that it had Nelson&Murdock written nearly across it.
Smiling to myself I knocked twice on the door, hearing a chair being pulled out from behind the door I stepped back and waited. I could hear the sound of women's heels walking towards the door. Foggy wore heels? I didn't know he was that type of man.
The door opened and there stood a small petit woman with sandy blonde hair.
"Hi I'm Karen, how can I help you" She asked me with a smile on her face automatically making me like her with her kind attitude.
"Erm, Hi! I'm Alexi. I have an appointment at 2pm with Matt and Foggy?" I told her.
"Ah yes I was told to expect you, come in and make yourself comfy Matt should be back anytime soon" She spoke walking into a kitchen area of the office.
"Would you like a drink?" She asked me noticing I was feeling rather awkward.
"Water would be fine thankyou" I say turning to face her with a small smile.
"So how did you end up working for Nelson&Murdock if you don't mind me asking" I said to Karen when she sat down.
"It's kind of a long story but I'll go for it anyways, I was framed for murder but the police who interrogated me their story didn't add up as I couldn't recall anything or give any details on what had happened, That's when Matt&Foggy came in saying they were my lawyers.They were there to help me so I wasn't going to send them away, they proved to the courts that I didn't attempt murder and proclaimed my innocence. We won the law suit and I was given a clean slate, Foggy then asked Matt if I could work for them for free as they couldn't afford to pay me, as of yet" She said with a goofy smile on her face, telling me she either had a crush on Matt, or Foggy.
"So what's the story with you and Foggy then" I say to her raising my eyebrow looking at her with accusing eyes.
"I-I don't know w-what you mean.." she stuttered not making eye contact with me confirming my thoughts.
"Oh don't go there sister, you don't see the silly lopsided smile on your face when you are talking about him!" I practically shout at her.
"Shh!" She squealed placing her hand over my mouth. "What if they were right outside I wouldn't want them to hear any of-"
Karen was cut off by the door opening and Matt walking in, stick in hand and Foggy in the other. "Wouldn't want us to hear what Karen" Matt said smiling in Karens direction as she stood up and walked over to him.
"Oh nothing important,right Alexi?" She said with an innocent voice turning to face me. Here's the thing I'm a terrible liar and I could already feel my heart punching it's way out of my chest.
"Yep, nothing at all" I squeak out with a bright red face.
Yep I'm defiantly sure that they all knew I was lying by that point.
"Yeah, nothing at all" Matt said with a smile forming on his lips making me blush. Foggy was just stood there with a very confused look on his face which in turn made me laugh.
"Right we best make a start if we are to sue the ass off that asshole ex-boss of yours" Foggy said breaking the silence and gesturing me to follow him into another office with Matt leading the way.
I glance back at Karen to see her gazing at Foggys retreating form, I'm so going to have to get them together!

• My DareDevil • Charlie Cox
Fanfiction•Based from Marvels Daredevil• When 19 year old Alexi finds herself in trouble with the wrong gang, who will she trust to save her. Hells Kitchen, a city over run with traitors or the mysterious Man In Black.