Part Three

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Here we chappy!!! Make sure u leave critisism and praise in teh comment spot below!!! Vote and like if u...ya it!!! :P

Just in case you guys didnt understand the last part...that anger is inuman. Like abnormal. doesnt happen to other people...only her...she sees things no one but Evelyn sees...So...ya...hint hint. :P

Please enjoy and thanks for reading!!!




Vibrant colors swirled around me, curving between my legs and intertwining themselves with my fingers, lifting each in turn. The thumping from my head had long since subsided and my heartbeat had slowed. My mind couldn't really think straight. It was just a jumble of random memories and questions. Like why did I see that man on the roof but no one except Evelyn did as well? Or the terrible, lingering memory of me beating up my own teacher, after he explicitly explained a rule to us; don't disrespect staff members or anyone else for that matter.

The vibrant spirals of neon colors swirled tighter around me, squeezing all oxygen from my lungs. The set colors swirled, blurring into one jumble of rainbow streaks, spinning around me faster and faster until there speed was painfully quick.

My hair blew in all directions, whipping around my face as I slowly came to wakefulness. A single pin prick sized circle of white light appeared above my head. Slowly, I floated off of the ground towards it. It grew in size, enveloping itself around me. With a single blinding flash of light I came out of my dream world and back to the sickly real world around me.

The world that seemed to be so against me. With my abnormal surges of anger and my visions of apparently inexistent objects and beings. Well, actually Evelyn could see them as well but still. I should ask her if she gets anger rushes. Maybe it's a shared disease.

I became aware of sounds and movement around me as my senses awoke. With a shock from my brain, a searing hot pain shot down my spinal column. My eyes snapped open immediately taking in my surroundings.

I was lying on a couch, a well cushioned one. It was a bright red color, matching the other furniture in the room I soon took to be a study of sorts. There were a few large bookcases lined up against the back wall, and a grand desk across the room from me. I felt someone's weight on the pillows beside me and painfully turned my head slightly to the side to find Evelyn with a concerned look on her stunning face.

Over by the desk papers were stacked in a messy fashion, a few stray pieces falling to the floor and scattered across the white carpet. I was only aware of one other person, other than Evelyn of course, in the room. And it was the person I really didn't want to be here. I would rather have Miss Barnaby accompany Evelyn as she sat at my side.

Over on by one of the study's bookcases, Mr. Johnson ran a slim finger across the spines of a few thick hard cover books. His back was to us and I feared his turning. I didn't want to see the damage I had done. Not to this innocent man.

"Welcome to the library study." Whispered Evelyn quietly, obviously getting the point that I didn't want to let Mr. Johnson know I was awake from my terrified expression. "It's a room off of the library actually." She corrected herself.

I nodded showing I understood. Her eyebrows knitted together as she inquired a question upon my racked brain cells. A question I would like to know the answer to as well. "I don't understand Lee. You were so lovely to everyone, even though no one returned the favor. But, then you went and attacked our teacher for no apparent reason! And then you passed out! I guess I was just wondering... What happened to you?"

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