Part Four

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thanks for all the support! but again...pleaze remember to fan and vote and possibly leave a comment! :)

I love u all and if ud like me to read ur story i really dont mind! Sometimes when im on wattpad im not just writing! All girl who dared fans I repeat all girl who dared fans: The book is coming to an end! WAIT! I know what ur all thinking....But i still have so many un answered question! well...I know that and that is why i will be revising the book with my dear father, (who is a freakin amazing writer btw:P) and taking out parts, fixing up description and punctuation and crap like that so it's perfect. Once I'm well on my way with this book...which is sometime in the next month or so... depends on when ur reading this authors note...and then i will begin the sequel to the girl who dared to answer all those (well most...) questions u have! I'm pretty sure the girl who dared will be a trilogy...two books seems odd u know???

anyway...if things go the way i plan...this series: the Chronicles of the Winged, will be rather long....four to five books in total! dont get ur hopes up but this story is already fairly long and like nothing has happened! well...except for some strange things like Lee seeing things and finding an odd garden and u know...beating up her teacher with her strange burst of anger...ok so a lot has happened but who knows wat will next! du du du duh!!! lol :D

Anywho.... this is a reaaaaaaaly long note! but trust may seem hard to get into know...but the plot is just unfolding! Its going to be actually epic and supenseful! but keep with me and read!

BTW: I wrote a quote: There is no such thing as a good writer, only someone who can put words in the right order.




Why is it that when you don't want to think about something you can't stop thinking about it?

Well, I'm most definitely not the person to come asking that question to. I was having this very difficulty at the moment. Actually, almost the past week now. It had been a Tuesday on the first day of school, when my orientation had taken a terrible bend for the worst, and now it was a Friday. From what Mr. Johnson had told me, the girls would gather for a bon fire behind the dormitory, out on the fields for a huge bon fire. Hot chocolate and cookies and all that good stuff was provided. Everyone had a great time. 

Evelyn had become my second friend. Not that we weren't that close friends anymore or anything, but Mr. Johnson and I had become allies. He tutored me every once and a while, along with Evelyn who I used for extra practice and help in subjects other than math.  

The sun beat down on my bare arms. Friday is the only week day that we are allowed to wear unregulated clothing. In simple words; no uniform!

My spaghetti strapped tank top and daisy duke shorts however were not the best choice for the day. A cool autumn breeze ruffled my hair and gave me a spine tingling chill. Goosebumps had spread across my pale skin, as my eyes flitted back and forth as I searched for Evelyn.

Another gust of wind gusted around me, making me rethink my terrible decision of attire. Taking another quick glance around the courtyard to confirm Evelyn wasn't out here I returned to my room, passing many excited girls on my journey back. Everyone was babbling on and on about this evening's bin fire. I suppose it was a big deal being the first of the school year.

My floor was completely abandoned. It gave me the creeps and I quickly retrieved a sweater, leaving the Dorm and escaping out the back to find a glow coming from the top of a large grassy hill before me. Girls were climbing it together resembling a herd of mindless cattle. Trust me, most weren't too far from being one!

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