Part Nine

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Guys I'm so so so so SO sorry for not uploading as frequently as I once did (in case there's people who didn't read my work back then, uploads were everyday! Every second day at most!) Well I guess I upload every week or so so that's not too bad is it? Look at it this way: The longer you have to wait for the new chapter the more exciting it is to read when it comes out! Lol . . . anywho, u guys r really awesome and I hope I can count on you to read and fan! Thanks!



Enjoy . . .



Has someone ever asked you a question, and you really should know the answer, yet you can't think of it? I don't mean drawing a blank or not remembering. I mean like you know it's somewhere in your head but is blocked off, like you can't access it anymore. That's how I felt talking to Felix. All the answers were their but . . . I couldn't figure them out.

"I-I don't know how I did it," I muttered starring down at my lap. "One moment I was pissed off, and the next I just . . ."

Felix smiled warmly and leaned forward to rest an ancient, leathery hand on my thigh comfortingly. "Now, now child. Don't get all up in a huff. Explain to me," He began retracting his hand and sitting deeper into his chair. "Have you ever had an anger problem?"

I felt my cheeks heat up as I blushed. "N-No! You don't get it! Ever since I was very young-"

The old geezer cut me off again. "No no no, never mind that just tell me your life story instead." He smiled as if that were barely anything to ask of me, like "Could you pass the salt?", or "I'll have milk and sugar in my tea!" I sighed, letting my eyelids flutter shut.

"Well, first off," I began uncertainly, "My Mother never stuck around. When I was about two years old she left us, me and my Dad. Every time I ask my Dad won't tell me anything about her. Not even . . . what she looked like. My father is rich and is always away on business so I never really saw him as my father, more as an uncle or something. Not as close but still related you know?" I paused taking a deep breath. "My father didn't want to raise me. He was too busy so instead would send me to boarding schools around the world in hopes that his parenting job would become easier. The last one he shipped me to was Bronwyn's school for Girls, and now I'm here."

There was a moment of silence before Felix spoke. "I see. Thank you for sharing that with us, Leela. I'm sure it wasn't easy. However, I believe your mother is more than you expect."

"No she's not!" I spat sickened. "She left a baby girl and her newly wedded husband! She's a terrible person!"

Felix spoke to me calmly once more. "Have you ever considered the fact that maybe it wasn't her that decided to leave. Perhaps . . . someone else decided for her."

"That's impossible!" I insisted.

"Leela, surely after all you've seen over the past few days you know it is. But I don't mean someone hypnotized her, but I suppose it is quite possible she left . . ."

"Why Felix!?" I asked becoming angry. I could feel the tears stinging at my eyelids threatening to flow freely over.

"Maybe she left to protect her family. Did you ever consider Leela, that maybe if she hadn't left you and your father may not be alive today?"

"NO! I haven't considered that, because it isn't true!" I stood up and looked down at the frail man in the love seat before me. Such wisdom danced in his eyes that I felt the need to ask. "Is it?" He looked to the floor.  My eyes widened when I realized what this meant. "You know something about my mother that I don't!" I confirmed slowly.

"I'v already said too much, child. Now go. We'll discuss matters later. First you need to train."


He looked back up at me and gave me a nod then flicked his finger into the air and I disappeared. Peris led me from the old shack out into the most dazzling forest I had ever seen. Warm sunlight filtered through a leafy canopy above us and filled the ground with light. Now this may just have looked like any fairy tale forest except for one crucial detail... Every tree was made of sterling silver. They glistened like ice, their leaves transparent like glass. 

I felt my jaw drop in complete awe. "It can't be... You weren't serious..." I stuttered not taking my wide eyes off of my surroundings.

Peris chuchled coming to stand beside me. "Lee, I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a very good story teller. I couldn't have made THIS up on the spot!"

So I finally, dumbfounded, came to the realization I was in Akira's wood, surrounded by Akira's briches. A god had created these! There was one tree not too far from us, only a couple meters away. I concentrated on the ice like bark and the crystal roots and before I even knew what I was doing began to walk towards it. I outstretched my arm, my long fingers preparing to make first impact with the tree when Peris started shouting frantically from behind me.

Too entranced with the tree ahead I only heard scattered words. "Lee... n't... touch... hat!"

But it was too late. A blue tinge lightened the world around me, the same as when I had attacked Ophelia except then I had seen red. This must have meant my eyes were glowing blue this time. My hair began to float around my head as if there was zero gravity and my heart beat slowed dramatically. The white gown around my body began to flap madly in a sort of non exsistant wind, and suddenly voices began to fill the silence. I couldn't make out what they were saying but they grew, more and more whispers joining in until it was all too painful.

The next thing I knew my outstretched fingers brushed the surprisingly warm bark of the Akira's Birch and there was a loud sucking sound before the world swirled inwards and everything went black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2011 ⏰

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