Part Five

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Okay! Next chapter! Again...thanks CoolDidi for the cover art! She's really awesome...if any of u guys need a story cover im sure she wouldn't mind helping her out...but only ask if u really are helpless like me:P She's goin to college and will have lots of stuff on her mind so...ya...


Gavin :D


Rain belted down all around me soaking everything in its reach. I was one of those things. Within moments I was soaking wet, my clothing becoming heavier by the second and my hair clinging to my face. I blinked through the water. The earth shuddered with thunder once more, this time a flash of white lightning attacking the ground somewhere on the horizon.

My senses eventually came back to me and I bolted for the Dormitory a salty water streaming down my cheeks. That water wasn't rain.

* * * * *

After wiping the remaining tears from my cheeks I proceeded to enter the building. It was alive with other children. Uneasy conversations broke out among different groups. As I pushed past separate clichés I caught adrift whispers.

Strange things about how the weather had taken a sudden turn for the worst. I flashed back through the memories existing in my mind. I remembered the clear night sky above the flittering firelight, and the twinkling stars that were only just appearing. The only sign of clouds had been pitifully small whispers of white being pulled by the faintest of breezes. Not the mounting black clouds that now grew from the dark night sky. Not the blossoming shocks of electricity. It was almost impossible how quickly the storm had rolled in.

Strong winds shook the building letting the lights flicker dangerously. The crystal chandelier hanging in the centre of the arched lobby ceiling swayed. I almost expected it to come toppling down from its hinge in the ceiling. Thankfully it didn't.

I continued to move through the crowd, using my lithe form and agility to slip between girls. I glimpsed Mr. Johnson trying to calm down a band of panicking girls over by the desk as people surged forward asking questions to the terrified woman at the desk.

I doubted I would have service in this maelstrom of wind but I decided to take my chances once I reached the outskirts of the room where I had enough space to breathe. I plunged my hand into my sweater pocket letting my fingers roam the interior, searching for my cell. I didn't find it. I searched my other pocket and soon all pockets I had on any piece of clothing. I didn't find my phone.

I knew I had slipped it into my pocket. Where had it gone? My eyes grew wide as I realized I must have left it in the gazebo. My mind flashed back to when I was leaning back in the swing. I was now aware of a small thud on the bench beside my right thigh. My phone slipped out of my pocket and was sitting out in the storm! I needed my phone! If my father wanted to contact me he would immediately expect the worst. A murder or even a kidnapping of yours truly. Coming from rich family I was usually under severe security. Coming to a boarding school in the country was supposed to reinforce the security method. What were the chances of a murder out here? Apparently, slim.

I contemplated requesting Mr., Johnson to accompany me out into the storm, but quickly reminded myself of the fact he probably wouldn't be able to see the garden.

Since I had arrived at this school I had seen a man on the roof, where only Evelyn could also see him. The girl I had asked couldn't and had ended up thinking I was insane. The gazebo garden, that seemed long forgotten, was only visible to apparently Cray and I. I suppose that would explain why no one ever went there. If no one could see it they obviously wouldn't visit a seemingly not existing place!

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