Chapter 13. Through Robert's Eyes 2

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This was the first time I had ever been to Miramar

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This was the first time I had ever been to Miramar. The first time I had been anywhere that was not work-related.

"You're all work and no play, Bear, but I love your dullness." Lou used to say and ruffle my hair.

I had never really had a life, and it had gotten worse since our breakup. Every day, I went to work at 8 am, then back to my apartment, exactly at 4 pm. Sometimes, I cooked. Sometimes, I did exercises or hung out with Vince when he was back in the city, but mostly, I stayed by myself in the apartment. Lou used to be the one who pushed me to go out and do things when we were together.

Since the accident, the company had reassigned most of my projects to other people. My time at work had mainly revolved around monitoring and writing reports about Zedlum. It had been a constant process. Despite everything unfortunate that had happened around its birth, QLSolutions didn't want to give up or put the project on hold. Especially after they found out that the synthetic element, as unpredictable and dangerous as it was, in fact, was an excellent fissile material—a key component of weapons of mass destruction.

Herman Lang had gotten all the green lights and guarantee he needed from Castillon to go ahead with the production of Zedlum or Element Z. The general was at a crucial point in his race with the Hansen brothers. He needed all the tools. The problem was, even just as a 'precautionary measure' as Castillon had sworn up and down to me, Element Z still had the potential to destroy everything that we knew if it was not handled properly.

The consequence would be unimaginable. Hundreds of thousands of people would be erased from existence. Megacities and states would get obliterated in an instant. It would be a world-altering event, but my warnings were pretty much ignored.

That had taken a toll on my mental health. I was done. The day Lou called me had been the same day I turned in my resignation letter. There was nothing they could have said or done to make me stay. I wished we had never created Element Z, but it was too late then.

I left all of my stuff in Vince's RV after leaving Castillon's office. Even my laptop, which had everything I had worked on for the last five years. What was so important about any of that now?

Castillon had done everything in his power to keep me around. I didn't know what else the guy wanted from me, but it didn't matter. The unrest that had been going on for some time, followed by martial law, was the perfect opportunity for me to disappear. Castillon was busy holding everything together under nonstop attacks that he finally didn't have the time or energy to chase around an estranged son anymore.

I only took my phone, everything I had in my bank account, and a duffel bag Vince had left for me "just in case." The content of that bag was questionable, but I trusted the guy-as weird as he could be sometimes. He was the only true friend I had ever had. Besides Lou. I was grateful that he had never treated me differently after his sister and I broke up...


"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom."

I cut Castillon off, not sure if he heard me, and I didn't really care. I just needed to step out for a minute. I couldn't stay there and focus on one word the man had said.

Castillon didn't stop me. His phone rang at that moment, so he spared me one look and picked it up.

My nonchalant act crumbled as soon as the office door closed behind me. My hands shook uncontrollably. I called Vince many times, but he didn't answer.

While I was splashing water on my face in the restroom, a switch flipped in my head. I got out and walked straight to the elevator. The music started as I pressed the button with the "P" letter on it.

Many thoughts circled in my head. What should I do? Where should I go? Who could I ask for help? Castillon? Can I even trust him? I hoped Vince and Lou were not taken by whoever had abducted General Haynes, but I knew that was a wishful thought. I also knew that I couldn't stay and got on the flight with Castillon.

When we talked the night before, Vince had told me they would head to Miramar and wait for their father there at one of his colleagues' home. He had given me the address, "Just so you know where to find us." I knew my friend always hoped Lou and I would get back together because our breakup had "seriously messed the group's dynamic up and made things super awkward" to him. Nevertheless, this was a big help.

From the Citadel back to Nova Aria, then to Miramar, the whole trip would take me a few hours. I would be there later this afternoon or, worse, early evening, assuming there would be nothing unexpected that further delayed my trip. Knowing my luck, however, I fully anticipated everything.

"I'm sorry, sir. The military had taken all the available trains for their personnel and equipment. You will have to stand in that line, and we will get to you as soon as possible, or you can find another form of transportation." The skinny ticket agent recited what he must have said a thousand times today in his perfectly emotionless voice and pushed back the two crisp one-hundred krone bills I had just given him.

I turned around and looked at the long line of people who wore the same expressions as I did-a mixture of worries, frustration, and exhaustion. Being far away from the mainland and its problems, Miramar must be the ideal destination at the moment. I also needed to get there badly, just not for the same reason as these folks.

A different form of transportation sounded like my best bet.

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