The New Element

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Edgar Wilkins wiped the sweat dripping down both sides of his face

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Edgar Wilkins wiped the sweat dripping down both sides of his face. The drilling sun of Maryvale ever shone above like a curse. He had checked the perimeter a million times, but his mind couldn't be at ease.

"Goddamn it," he mumbled.

Edgar was not built for this. The fear. The constant running and hiding. It got old fast. His anxiety didn't let him eat or sleep like a normal human being, and the storm last night only made things worse. Like the final stroke in his shitty life picture, Edgar just found out this morning that many of his alarms had been destroyed, and a giant tree had fallen on the fence. Anyone could have gotten in while he was asleep.

"Indestructible my ass," the chubby man mumbled while cutting some loose wires. "Sold me some shitty shit..."

The target of his wrath, of course, was unaware. Only the shrubs around him bore witness.

Edgar had never been fond of confrontation. "Only fools would create a scene and lose their temper in public," his father had drilled that into him. Even back when Edgar had still worked for QLSolutions, people could easily push him around, giving him a hard time and extra tasks when, in fact, Edgar was one of the senior engineers.

He supposed it was a good thing that they had underestimated him. Not in a million years, anyone would have suspected dull Edgar to pull a stunt like that. Certainly, they couldn't come after him now when the world had gone mad.

It seemed that Edgar could finally relax, but that was not in his nature. He was smarter than that.

The deaths of his colleagues were still fresh in his mind, and they would always be there as a reminder.

Always prepare for the worst, another piece of wisdom from his deadbeat father. Not that Edgar hadn't done so since he had been sixteen.

A roar disturbed his thoughts.

"Impossible..." Edgar whispered as his eyes followed the trail of fume the small aircraft left behind.

It headed toward his cabin, Edgar was certain of that. Not a lot knew where it was. The muffled sound of blood pumped in his ears, deafening in the quiet, frigid air. His boots pounded on the soft, wet ground, desperately carrying him back to his haven. He needed to get back, even when it might not be safe anymore. Edgar didn't risk everything just to lose it now.

The smell of fume got clearer as he got closer.

"No, no, not today. Not today..."

Edgar dove into the tall grass in front of his cabin. His teeth clenched. His fingers dug into the soil. They couldn't get it now after all the effort he had put in.

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