Chapter Eleven

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              You Qing glared daggers at Shen Lian who was calmly seated on the bamboo bench on the patio looking satisfied.
    "How can you say I poisoned you? really Shen Lian I didn't expect  you to stoop so low",she said venomously pointing her fingers at him.
  "You said it yourself I simply asked a question casually",Shen Lian replied playing with the sword in his hands and then he looked at her and found that she was still trembling,"so why did you come to my palace?"
    "I-I just wanted to discuss some matters with you b-but they're not important so you don't have to worry"
  "Then why did you arrest my servant?",this time,his tone was sharper.
   "He was in your chambers"
  "I-I thought he was going to steal something besides why would a servant be in his master's room when his master is not present it means something"
  "I asked him to stay in my chamber besides you knew I wasn't around then why did you enter my room or were you the one who was actually trying to steal something?"
   "Shen Lian enough of these accusations I won't tolerate it!"
  Shen Lian chuckled,"and do you think I will tolerate you entering my room of your own free will?It might not be the first time right?"
   "Shen Lian!"
"You Qing don't ever come to my palace again and if you do you wouldn't like to know what I would do to you"
   He stood up and left leaving You Qing stunned.He tossed the sword to the guards outside and they caught it with trembling hands.With a leisurely pace and reliance on the original owner's memories,he arrived at the palace dungeon.He couldn't believe that someone as innocent as Hua Lin would be kept in here.
   The place was dark and a few guards were gathered at the front  chatting gaily.But as soon as they saw him,they were suddenly quiet.Their eyes raked through his body lewdly and some even smacked their lips.They were all thinking the same thing, although this concubine wasn't the emperor's most favoured one,he still had an unparalleled beauty.One of them took the initiative to speak,"who do you seek concubine?",he asked
    Shen Lian answered,"my servant was brought here this morning I want you to release him"
" Yes he was brought here wait while I go get him",the guard said and slipped away to the inner part of the building.
    A few minutes later the guard returned with Hua Lin who was looking pale.
   "Did you do anything to him?",asked Shen Lian already slaughtering their throats mentally.
    "No we didn't he is probably just scared that's why he's so pale",the guard replied shakily and handed Hua Lin over to him.
You Qing sat down dejectedly at a corner of her room clasping her fingers together.There was a vicious look in her eyes.The servants who were in the room were too scared to look up for fear of angering her.But in their hearts,they were curious,they were wondering if what concubine Lian said was true.Did You Qing really poison him.The stories they heard was different.People said that he had poisoned himself to gain the emperor's attention.Which they were sure was true.But they weren't so sure now.
   On the other side, You Qing was already killing Shen Lian mentally.When did he even change?.As far as she knew,he didn't even care about that servant of his and now even the emperor was starting to pay him attention.Rumors were starting to spread in the palace that Shen Lian had spent the night in the emperor's chamber.A place which no other concubine including her had had the privilege of entering.Since when?did the poison have some side effects?.No matter the stunts she pulled on him,he didn't budge.Maybe she would kill him again but this time not with poison rather she would ambush.He is seeking death right?Fine she will happily oresei it to him on a platter of gold.All she has to do now is get someone to keep an eye on him.
    The next day,the sun was high up in the sky,Shen Lian opened his eyes groggily and stretched lazily.He was just wanted to stay in bed today.Suddenly,he felt a weight on his chest and the feeling of soft ticklish fur,he sat up and picked up White cradling it in his arms.
    "Morning to you too",he said yawning while stroking it's fur.
   The cat purred in response licking his wrist.Suddenly,there was a knock on the door.
    "Master can I come in?"
   Shen Lian answered and continued to play with White.The door opened revealing Hua Lin pushing a food trolley in.He pushed it towards the centre table in the middle of the room and began to set the dishes on the  table.
   "Master you should freshen up before you eat",Hua Lin said still standing beside the food trolley.
   Shen Lian being the lazy person he is drawled,"pull me up",his hand was dangling in the air as if waiting for Hua Lin to come over.
   "B-but master",Hua Lin stammered.
   "Pull me up then I will have a  bath"he said sluggishly.
  Hua Lin hesitantly walked over taking his master's hand and tried to pull him up but failed miserably.Meanwhile Shen Lian's eyes were on the dishes on the table.
   "Since you can't help me to get up then I'll have breakfast before bathing",he said happily and trudged to the table and sat down.
   After having breakfast and a bath,Shen Lian was already feeling bored.Screw this era there was nothing to do except sit down all day  like a nine months pregnant woman and be barking orders.He looked down at his lap where his dearest cat was looking at him with big,black,beady eyes.He looked around the room finding it to be so boring.He stood up and went out of his room and as if on cue different maids assembled behind him.
The smile on his face immediately became crooked.What the actual hell?are they going on a political rally or what?.They were all standing behind him like statues.He turned around and glared at them.
The servants on the other hand are shivering.Why was their master glaring at them?,They didn't do anything wrong.They are just doing their duty right?
    "Why are you following me?",he asked coldly.
   "M-master it's our duty wherever you go we're supposed to follow you",they chorused looking at the ground.
   What the heck did they mean by wherever he goes?.With gritted teeth he forced the words out,"it's okay you all can stay back I'll be back soon",without waiting for their replies he skipped away with White in his arms.

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