🌺Chapter Fourteen🌺

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Warning: There's teeny weeny mature content ahead.

Shen Lian stretched happily as he sat up in bed.Just as he was about to get up, Hua Lin came in with White in his arms.
"Good morning master",he said bowing.
"Morning Lin",Shen Lian replied.
Hua Lin wondered why his master was in such a good mood.Could
it be that...?.A tinge of red appeared on his cheeks immediately.
Shen Lian walked towards Hua Lin tilting up his chin,"what's wrong?"
"N-nothing master"
"Then why are you blushing?"
If only Shen Lian knew what Hua Lin was blushing about...
After he had had his shower and breakfast he decided to stroll.He picked up his paper fan and left his palace.
You Qing was strolling holding a hand fan in her hand and was fanning herself gaily.
Her mind had been a total farrago .She still hadn't found a way to ambush Shen Lian.She rubbed her temples in frustration.Suddenly she spotted him standing by the koi pond while also holding a hand fan.His gaze directed at the pond seemed to be contemplative.She smirked and began to head towards him.She stopped a few feets from him.
"It's been a while Concubine Lian",she said still smirking.
Shen Lian frowned and used his free hand to massage his left temples.What
did the bitch want now?
"Yeah it's been a while Concubine Qing",he said 'oh so nicely' but the sarcasm was dripping from his voice like honey.
You Qing ignored his sarcastic tone and asked,"you seemed to be in deep thought when I came,is there a problem?"
"There wasn't a problem until you came,is there anything you want ?"
"Yes I want you dead",she thought but then she said,"it's not a problem to just want to talk to you is it?"
"Talk to me?you wouldn't talk to me unless you want something or are you up to something",there was a glint in his eyes,"so what are you up to?",he asked still gazing at the pond.
You Qing stiffened,she glared at Shen Lian so hard that if looks could kill,he would have been dead decades ago.
"So you still think I'm the one who poisoned you"she deadpanned.
"It's obvious and you plan on trying again right?"
Her eyes widened,"w-what do you mean?"
"I was just joking",he said chuckling and walked a bit close to her and bent down to whisper in her ear,"except you really plan on trying again",he said and walked away.
You Qing stomped and huffed.She clenched her fists so hard that there were cut marks on her palms.She was going to make him pay...she needed to get rid of him and fast.She was sick of waiting.He was going to regret it.She sat on the bamboo bench and furiously began to fan herself.There was no way the emperor liked him she was his favourite and he was going to make her the empress and not that schmuck.
"I wonder what you could be thinking about Concubine Qing",a deep voice interrupted her from her thoughts.
She looked up and immediately stood up to now down,"your highness",she said.
"So what is the problem sister in law?",asked Wen RuZhan
"Nothing your highness",she answered nervously biting her lips.But in her mind she was burying Wen RuZhan alive.What did he want she had answered his questions so couldn't he just leave?
"Very well then I'll be on my way",he said and excused himself.
You Qing heaved a sigh of relief and began to head back to her palace.She already had a plan in mind.
Wen RuZhan gazed at her back as she walked away from the koi pond going to wherever she was going.He was curious about what she had been thinking about but he knew she wouldn't tell him a thing.
He wondered if his brother was right about her.To him it was possible,she hates him to death,so in order to get him out of the way she poisoned him probably using one of Shen Lian's maids.
Suddenly he thought of something and his eyes narrowed,since Shen Lian survived what if...she tries to kill him again?
Now that was very likely...he would have to discuss this with his workaholic brother.There was a 99.9% chance that Shen Lian was in danger.
Shen Lian gasped at the amount of books and scrolls on the shelves.Damn,talk about an imperial library.It was huge as in huge.His eyes were shining as he took in the scent of the books.
In his previous life, although he wasn't a nerd,he loved books.It was a hobby, something he did during his leisure when he wasn't training with his elder brother or one of his trainers.
Due to the fact that his father was a business tycoon,and was super rich,he had gained a lot of enemies.And so because of that he brought up the idea of teaching his children self defense.
This was so they could know how to protect themselves although they still had bodyguards.
Shen Lian had from the age of eight learnt how to master martial arts,hand to hand combats and many other skills.He had a lean and flexible body so learning wasn't a problem.
But in this dumb era which was probably a thousand years from the future,and also the fact that of all the bodies to transmigrate to,he had to transmigrate into a male concubine's body and not just that,a body that was totally useless.He could not even defend himself from the stupid emperor yesterday.What shitty luck he had!
However on earth he got here,he had no idea,he was feeling nostalgic and just wanted to go home.Before he could process a thing,a lone tear slipped down his cheeks,followed by another until he was full on sobbing.He had no idea when someone came into the library or when the person walked towards him and was now standing behind him.
Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder,he trembled and in defense swung a fist but his hand was caught by the other and was twisted behind him.Then his back suddenly hit a chest.
"Wh.. what are you..?",Shen Lian began still confused.And out of nowhere he began to struggle but the hold on his wrist was strong.
"Your moves are good Concubine Lian may I ask where you learnt that?",Wen RuLan asked his breath lightly fanning Shen Lian's nape.
Shen Lian snorted before he raised his left leg and with force ,he stomped down hard on Wen RuLan's foot.He was immediately released.He turned around glaring at him,"have you ever heard of self defense to your majesty?",he asked.
Wen RuLan raised a brow,"you wanted to hit me...",he was cut off.
"because you startled me and what are you doing here? "
Wen RuLan chuckled,"this is the imperial library..what do you think?"
Shen Lian rolled his eyes walking away from him,"then look for whatever scrolls you want and don't bother me",as he was about to turn right around the corner of a shelf,his wrist was held and he was pulled back.Hands suddenly snaked around his waist pulling him closer and he was spun around.
Wen RuLan stared deeply at Shen Lian.He looked normal except for the fact that he was literally glaring daggers at him.His eyes were glossy and there were streaks of tears on his cheeks.Had he been crying?.He grazed his thumb across the still wet cheeks,"were you crying?"
Shen Lian pursed his lips cursing this body a million times in his mind.He turned to face the emperor who was equally staring back at him patiently waiting for an answer.
"Something entered my eye and it irritated me so...",he trailed off not knowing what else to say looking at the beautiful design of the ceiling.His sister would definitely love to paint this,he thought.
"Concubine Lian",the deep voice brought him back from his reverie,"I asked a question"
"And I answered it"
"Excuse you..."
He was cut off by a pair of lips landing on his own.He groaned turning his head sideways but he was pulled in again.Hands roamed about his body loosening the brocade belt around his robe.He felt hands go inside his clothes roaming around his body and suddenly he moaned.A tongue suddenly slipped in and entangled with his own deepening the kiss.
Salivas mixed and a thin stream flowed down the side of Shen Lian's lips.He was backed against a shelf as he was kissed roughly.Part of his robe slid down his shoulder revealing the smooth,milky pale skin.
Wen RuLan's lips left his own and trailed down his neck.Suddenly a moan erupted from Shen Lian's lips.Wen RuLan sucked and licked the spot and the moans increased.
Shen Lian wrapped around his shoulders as if trying to push him.
"S... stop please",he drawled out trying his best to hold back another moan but failed,his hands loosened as they fell back to their sides only to be held back up against the wall.
Wen RuLan looked at the kitten in front of him who had now slid down the shelf and was biting his lips.His eyes were wide as if he still couldn't believe what had happened.Wen RuLan's eyes trailed down his neck where there was now a light pink mark.
Shen Lian cursed the dumb emperor a thousand times....how fucking dare he!.His eyes flickered to the mirror and he sauntered over immediately pulling his robe down from his shoulder to reveal the light pink mark.
His eyes widened and he ran his fingers over the mark momentarily surprised that the area was smooth.How in the seven hells...
He strode to the bed and sat down biting his lips.This was far from good,his first two precious kisses had been stolen by a MAN and not just any man the DUMB EMPEROR!
What was the idiot's problem?!.He didn't want to have anything so why did he keep on bothering him?.Why was his luck so bad?
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.This was so unscientific he hated this.
Hua Lin entered the room not wanting to make too much noise in case his master was sleeping.But to his surprise,his master was sitted on his bed biting his finger nails while he squeezed his sheets with his other hand.He and White simultaneously looked at each other.
"Master",he called out softly walking towards him with White in his arms.
Shen Lian looked up and immediately stopped biting his nails removing his nails from his mouth.It was a habit he had whenever he was worried.
"Master are you okay?",asked Hua Lin slowly dropping White on the cushion.As soon as it landed on the cushion it climbed the bed and onto Shen Lian's lap.
Shen Lian smiled fondly ad began to caress it's fur.He looked at Hua Lin and motioned him to sit .Hua Lin obliged and sat down meekly.
"You were saying something?",Shen Lian asked now rubbing the spoilt cat on his lap.
"I asked if you were okay master",Hua Lin replied cautiously.
"I'm okay",Shen Lian replied with a small smile.

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