XI. tell him how you hate him, he does not care

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          Getting a six foot tall werewolf who was as broad as two Percys stood side by side down the stairs to the Argo's Infirmary wasn't the picnic Vela thought it was going to be.

          Unfortunately that left him with only the solution of allowing Annabeth to hold a blanket up to shield him from flashing everyone unnecessarily, so he could phase back. As soon as he was back in his normal body, he snatched the blanket from her, wrapping it around his waist. It was quickly soaked in golden ichor, and standing back on two legs, not four, Vela felt the agony of his leg tenfold.

          'Son of a—!" He cursed, stopping himself from finishing when he saw Hazel's wide eyes staring at him. He figured she was either mortified that he would swear, embarrassed that he was naked again with only a blanket to cover him, or terrified that she might have to see the lightning scars on his back.

          "Woah, oh my gods, that's so much blood." Annabeth paled, looking at him.

          "Tends to be the case when you tear surgical stitches." He retorted grouchily now that he was feeling the pain. He was never particularly friendly when he was hurting. "Sorry," he winced.

          "It's okay, come on," she beckoned, never the one to blame him for anything. She took his arm and placed it over her shoulders so he could have something to balance on. "You need to get to the Infirmary. Leo," she called up to the control console where the son of Hephaestus was fussing relentlessly over the buttons and levers. "Are you okay to man the ship on your own until I patch these guys up?"

          Leo waved her off, concentrating on one of the screens. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He said. "Easy peasy, lemon— whatever."

          Vela glanced across to Percy and Jason. They were slumped back to back against the mast, nearly going crosseyed with dizziness and with Piper and Frank fussing over the pair. Their faces were pale and sickly, near green and their hands laid by their sides with little to no movement, unresponsive after such exhaustion. They had no strength to even get up to be taken to the Infirmary, and Frank was hardly in good health himself.

          "Fuck me." Vela grumbled. Sometimes he really hated being noble. "Let me go," he said to Annabeth, pulling his arm off of her. "Help Frank and Piper with Jason."

          "Vela, no," Annabeth argued, already knowing what he was planning. "You're hurt too."

          He ignored her and limped over to Percy. "Hey, buddy..." Percy sang, smiling lopsidedly at him, sounding drunk and delirious.

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