XVIII. it was their own teenage fantasy

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0018. | IT WAS THEIR

Running through the Fields of Asphodel whilst dragging the son of Hades wasn't exactly easy. Vela managed to run about a whole four feet before he groaned and shifted his hold on Nico. Nico didn't have a chance to react before Vela strained himself and hurled the boy over his shoulder in a fire-man's-carry.

"Cover us!" He instructed Percy but the son of Poseidon was already on it. Riptide's Celestial Bronze blade forced the dazed souls out of their way like oil on water and Vela kept close behind him.

Vela was absolutely exhausted already just from carrying Nico but he persevered for the son of Hades' sake. Vela's breathing was ragged and Nico was mumbling italian in his drowsy state. "Altri cinque minuti... five more minutes..." he mumbled.

Vela fought back his smile and carried on running. Well, it was more fast paced stumbling but he didn't linger on the details of his floundering run as he followed after Percy. The son of Poseidon was slowing his pace too and he figured that the only reason they were still running was just pure desperation not to die (again, in Vela's case).

But Vela's struggle was rescued by the sound of a bellowing woof from his favourite hellhound. Vela had never been so happy in his life to see Mrs. O'Leary, and it seemed the dog felt the same. Mrs. O'Leary bounded over to Vela and began sniffing him and slobbering all over his new clothes.

"Hey, girl!" Vela grinned, steadying Nico over his shoulder. "Miss me?" He suffered a massive lick on his face in response. He took that as a hell yes.

Percy grinned in relief. "Good girl!" He praised her, leaning on Riptide for balance. "Can you give us a ride to the Styx?" Mrs. O'Leary bounced up and down at the sound of the word sticks but she calmed down enough for Percy to climb onto her back. "Come on!" He called down to Vela but he winced.

As a werewolf, Vela wasn't into the whole riding-on-canines thing. "Oh, no, I don't like to ride, I prefer to be ridden." He explained.

Percy blinked fast and snorted. "Man, you gotta know how that sounds!"

Vela rolled his eyes. He suddenly knew why Annabeth and Percy got on so well. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Percy." He chastised, pushing Nico up behind Percy on Mrs. O'Leary before he reluctantly copied.

          Nico flopped back against his chest and snoozed easily. Vela steadied his arms around Nico's waist so he wouldn't fall, and Mrs. O'Leary began to run. The journey was bouncing and bounding and Vela hoped to the gods that he ran better than that as a wolf. If not, he wondered how ever Annabeth and Percy and Rachel had ridden him before in the Labyrinth, though he supposed they hadn't had much choice.

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