XI. don't run, don't be scared... stay

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0011. | DON'T RUN, DON'T

             A bright light flooded the circular room and reflected off of every surface. It was so spectacular, even Janus raised his hands to hide his eyes from the light. Vela watched it. As soon as it came, the light went, and in its place stood a woman by the empty fountain. She was tall and slim but strongly built, like there was toned muscle beneath her white dress that shimmered like oil on water. Her chocolate brown hair was braided with what looked like real gold and framed her regal face beautifully. There was no doubt who this statuesque woman was. It was Queen Hera.

           "Janus," Queen Hera spoke. "Are we causing trouble again?" Her voice left no room for argument and Vela watched with slight amusement to Janus's obvious discomfort.

          "N-no, m'lady!" His right face stammered with anxiety reeking from his every grimaced pore. The left face didn't appear to possess the same troubles as its twin.


          "Shut up!" The right face whined and Vela watched with caution the way the queen of gods' dark face contorted with disgust and danger. Vela knew he and his friends should stay silent and humble in her powerful presence.

           "Excuse me?" She raised an arched brow at his impudence and Vela had to cringe for his obvious mistake. He feared for Lady Hera's wrath.

          "Not you, m'lady!" Janus cried his excuse. "I was talking to myself."

          "I see." She sniffed. "You know very well your visit is premature. The girl's time has not yet come. So I give you a choice: leave these heroes to me, or I shall turn you into a door and break you down." Vela knew fully well she would follow through with her threat. Lady Hera never messed around. Hell, she threw her own son off a mountain because of his ugliness. She wasn't a woman of false threats.

            "What kind of door?" The left face asked and was answered by his twin to shut up once more. Vela agreed with the right face. "Because French doors are nice." He continued. "Lots of natural light."

          "Shut up!" The right face whined. "Not you, m'lady! Of course I'll leave. I was just having a bit of fun with the girl and mutt. Doing my job. Offering choices." Vela scowled at Janus once more, so fiercely that he cowered away from Vela.

          "Causing indecision." Lady Hera corrected. "And dishonouring this young boy. Now begone!" The left face muttered something before the whole body of Janus disappeared in the moment of a blink. They were then left alone with her majesty. Lady Hera smiled at them. "You must be hungry," She said, her eyes focussing on Vela. "Sit with me and talk."

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