XVIII. fear of dreams or fear of reality?

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The tunnel was long and dark. Under his starlight, the marble bricks went on forever. Vela didn't like it. He wasn't a fan of small, tight spaces especially when he was alone.

           He was missing Annabeth more than ever. He knew if she was with him, then they would be able to make sense of the things his mom had said. She had said so much, it was hard to process everything. All Vela knew was that he was scared.

As he walked, Vela came to the realisation that he only felt scared when he wasn't in a group. He always felt brave when he was with someone else, like Clarisse or Silena or Will or Annabeth or Connor. He figured it was because of something Chiron once told him. You can only be brave, when you are scared. And when Vela was with his friends, he was braver than Hercules because he was scared of them getting hurt if he wasn't.

Like if he ever backed down for a second, then someone would get hurt and it would be because of him and he just couldn't stand that thought. If anyone he loved got hurt because of him, he would lose his mind.

          And yet, there he was.

Walking in the opposite direction of his friends under the orders of his mother because he was more loyal to her than he was his friends.

          His mother and his creator who wasn't an airhead like the stereotypes told him. She was kind and clever and beautiful and sweet. He loved her the moment he laid eyes on her, before she said even a word just because it was her, his mom who smelled like sunshine.

And he wanted her there with him. He hated that she was stolen away from him by time. He wished she could've stayed and told him more and just spent more time with him that wasn't spent crying or worrying. He wanted to spend time with his mother that was just bonding. No prophecy or quest involved, just the two spending time together because they liked each other's companies.

But then there was Nico. Gods, Nico. The boy with an underworldly mind but a heavenly voice. Vela wished more than anything that he was the one with him right then. Just at the thought of him Vela was ready to replace anyone just for that one boy who had done nothing but glare and blush in his presence.

Vela remembered how thankful he was to Clarisse for pushing him on those pull up exercises when it gave him the muscles that made Nico blush and stare. It was all worth it to make himself something for his Nico to marvel at. Nico had just been so beautiful and Vela knew he could only ever pale in comparison because Nico was just so perfect.

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