Chapter One

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Her least favorite part of performance was when it was over, and she was bombarded by a crowd of well-intentioned people. It felt like a flood, one she could not swim above, as people tried to kiss her hand and hand her flowers. She only had one goal: finding her father.

She spotted him talking to an old fellow in the hall of changing rooms, and quietly snuck to him. He saw her immediately.

"Y/N, what a wonderful performance!" Her father laughed, embracing her, but quickly letting go as to present her to the man he had been speaking too, "I would like you to meet Monsieur Lefèvre, from L'Opera Populaire in Paris."

Her face went slightly pale. It had been her dream to sing in Paris, and so, she quickly put on a smile and turned to the man, "It is wonderful to meet you, I am a tremendous fan of your opera house, I hear your last production won the hearts of the whole city."

"Why thank you, Mademoiselle. Your father and I were actually just discussing your feelings on my Opera House. I would like to invite you to audition for our next show," He smiled, "Hannibal."

Y/N gasped slightly, turning to her father, "I- I would love to, but-" she looked to her dad for some kind of approval or disapproval, to which she received a nod, "When are the auditions?".

"Three weeks, I have the music for you here," He handed you a leather folder, "Your father said he is able to escort you for the auditors, but you both can be assured that our facilities will definitely play host to you, if you join our cast."

With that, farewells were said and Lefèvre left. She turned to her father and embraced him once more, "This is so exciting!"

"It is! Go change and we'll leave, and discuss the trip."

Y/N nodded, slipping into the Prima Donna's room to put on her regular clothes.

— — —

When they got home, her father immediately began speaking with his assistant, asking him to make up travel plans.

Christopher, the assistant in question, nodded at every instruction - from the 'purchase these tickets' to the 'bring my pants to the tailor' - he was a team player, and only a few years older than Y/N.

"And bring Y/N to town so she can pick up some new dresses for this, and whatever else she'll need. She knows best," Father shot her a smile, and Christopher turned to her.

"We can go now, Lady Y/N? If you don't mind running these other errands with me." She didn't mind - she had always been fond of Christopher, and his curly light brown hair, and his chestnut eyes.

"No, not at all! I'll come," She smiled.

"Perfect, you two!" Father waved you bother off towards the carriage, where Christopher opened the door for you and escorted you in.

"How was your performance, Y/N?"

"It was perfect! The head of the Opera Populaire was there, and loved it - that's how I got the audition as their Prima Donna! I am incredibly excited."

Christopher immediately smiled for her, a genuine grin. He was always a big fan of her music, sitting in on her lessons when her father couldn't pick her up, asking her to sing to him as he filled out paper work or did accounting tasks.

He ran a hand through the side of his hair as he spoke, "This opera house, is it one of the best?"

Y/N nodded, beginning to twirl a strand of her hair between two fingers, "It's the second best in the world, after the La Scala in Italy, which doesn't have more then seven performances a year. This opera house is the best career opera house I could manage - if I got into the show, that is."

"I have faith you will, Y/N. I don't know how they could find a more beautiful singer, with a more beautiful voice."

She smiled, and blushed softly at the comment. Then, the carriage stopped.

"Excuse me a moment, I'm just dropping these plans off to a travel manager," Chris smiled, leaving the carriage.

After a few moments, he returned, and the carriage began again.

"Where to next?"

"The dress shop, then the tailor, then the bakery, then home."

"Perfect. How is that new apartment of yours? Father says you moved to the side of town closer to us."

"It's wonderful, the perfect size for me and Daphne."


"My cat, she's rather sweet," Chris reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out an old photo of a white and black spotted cat, napping on a window sill.

"She's adorable!" She was about to say more, but the carriage stopped once again. Chris made his way out, and then offered her his hand so she could do the same.

The dress shop was located in one of the many tightly packed buildings of the area, and had a light blue sign up above, that read "Madame Griselle's Dresses". Chris opened the door for her, allowing her into the quiet shop.

"Bonjour, mes amis!" A woman called out from the back corner of the shop. When she emerged, Y/N saw an clearly french woman, with tight yellow curls and wire glasses, "How can I help you?" She said through a thick accent.

"I am in need of a few dresses, as I am traveling to Paris for an audition. I was wondering if you had anything on the light side, with light colors?" Y/N hated the dress of her time, mostly making women wear huge hoop skirts and deep reds and blues, neither of which complimented her skin tone in the way that a light (F/C) would.

The woman turned to Christopher, "Is he your husband?"

"No, no - just a friend to the family," Chris answered for you.

"Then, Monsieur, I ask that you wait in the room in the back. I have tea, help yourself," She smiled, and Chris followed her instructions, leaving the two women alone.

"Alright Mademoiselle, take off your dress and leave your slip on. We we'll be taking measurements."

Y/N followed the instructions, and Madame Griselle began measuring various parts of her body. Her hands moved quickly to wrap the tape measure around her, write down the number in a note pad, and return to measure a different portion of Y/N's body.

When she was done, she signaled for Y/N to put her dress back on, and follow her to the back room. A wall of various fabrics and pinned up designs greeted her there.

Griselle began pulling various fabrics, asking her what she thought. She genuinely loved some of them. Then, Griselle pulled out sketches of dresses, asking Y/N to flag which ones she liked.

"D'accord, Mademoiselle, you need four regular dresses, two elegants, and one formal wear?"

Y/N nodded, "And a cloak, if you can."

"But of course! When will you need it by?"

"A week, if possible."

"Of course it is possible - you come on Thursday of next week and they will be done. Merci, to both of you!" Griselle said, waving them off so she could work.

Their errand to the tailor shop was quick, and consisted of Chris running in to drop off her father's clothing, so they almost immediately stopped outside her favorite bakery. The smell of bread wafted out the window.

"Let me run in and grab us a box of pastries, I know what you like," Chris smiled, leaving her in the carriage. He returned only moments later.

— — —

"I will miss you terribly, Christopher - if I get this role you must visit!" Y/N said, hugging him quickly before she got on the train.

"Of course, I will come to see you perform! Break a leg!" He smiled excitedly as he saw off both of the (L/N)s.

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