Chapter Two

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Y/N was on the verge of tears when she saw it. The Opera Populaire was more magnificent than anything she could have imagined. It's white exterior and series of marble columns, adorned with gold and pink decoration - it called to her. She felt like she was falling in love with the building itself.

"Father, it's..."

"Quite pretty," Her dad cut her off, nodding accordingly. An Englishman, even in this hour.

They entered the building together, quickly spotting Monsieur Lefèvre.

"Monsieur! Hello!" Her father called up to Lefèvre, who was standing at the top of the stairs in the main entry way.

"Bonjour, to you both! Y/N, are you ready for auditions tomorrow?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, Monsieur," She spoke softly, smiling, "I truly wish, from the bottom of my soul, that I can be your Elissa in Hannibal," She bowed her head graciously.

Lefèvre whispered to her, "Between you and I, I think your competition is not ready for you," He winked, and then briskly dismissed himself.

"So... that's that until tomorrow. Would you like to go to the Louvre?"

"Yes, that sounds marvelous!" Y/N smiled, taking her father's arm as he led her out of the Opera Populaire.

— —

She was sat in the auditorium, in a sea of other cast and crew members waiting to watch the auditions. Only three people were auditioning today. Herself, the previous Prima Donna (La Carlotta), and an Italian woman.

The Italian singer went first, singing the main aria of the opera, "Think of Me". Y/N cringed as the singer's voice cracked on one of the high notes, knowing that such a small mistake was - in fact - futile.

Next was La Carlotta, who - in all honesty - was terrible.

By the time it was Y/N's turn, she was a nervous wreck, and doing her best to cover it. She stood in center stage, and nodded to the vocal director, who began conducting.

"Think of me... think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye," She sang, and the music immediately grounded her, "Remember me - once in a while, please promise me you'll try!" She was smiling now, getting comfortable, "When you find, that once again you long to take your heart back and be free - if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me!"

That was the end of the section she was meant to sing, and the room went silent for a moment, before an applause erupted from the cast. Y/N immediately began blushing, feeling slightly embarrassed from the attention. She gave a deep curtesy, as is custom for her, and exited the stage.

She could've sworn she heard someone saying "Bravo," but when turned around, she found no one.

The rest of the auditions took place for ensemble, but Y/N quickly ran into the lobby where her father was waiting, and they greeted each other with big smiles.

"I think... I think I may have gotten the role!" Y/N smiled, elated. Her father quickly enveloped her in a hug.

They both returned to the main auditorium, and watched gleefully as the rest of auditions took place, waiting for her verdict.

— —

"Hey, Y/N - darling, wake up." She stirred, feeling her father nudge her a tad.


"The roles are being announced."

She quickly shot up, as Lefèvre stood in center stage.

"As Head of the French Troops, Giuseppe - and Head of the Romans, Pierre. Now, as our Prima Donna and our Elissa in this year's production, I would like you all to welcome our newest cast member, Y/N L/N of Winchester."

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