Chapter Three

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It happened very quickly -- the hand pushing open the mirror, Y/N stumbling back - almost falling, and the hand grabbing her by her arms, pulling her back to her feet.

"Who are you?" The voice demanded. It was quiet, but lethal.


He stopped for a moment, "You're the new Prima Donna."

"Yes, Monsieur -- and I am so sorry for intruding on you, I truly didn't mean it! I was just reading and I heard some beautiful singing -- you have a truly wonderful voice by the way, quite nice -- and I followed it without really thinking," She was speaking incredibly fast, a nervous habit when she became flustered, "I didn't mean to disturb your peace! Clearly you were working or practicing something, and it was rude of me to interrupt!"

The man before her blinked a few times, clearly struggling to process what was happening. Only then did she notice how tight his grip on her was. He seemed to notice too, loosening up.

"It's alright, Y/N, I believe it was a simple mistake," He answered, his words cool but somehow, truly understanding. She began to look at him, seeing him. He was wearing a mask to cover half of his face, but the side that she could see made her so much more nervous than she had been. He was a HANDSOME stranger, not just a stranger. This made her feel unbearably stupid for her speed-talk only moments before.

"Truly, Monsieur, my apologies."

"You're a wonderful singer, Madame," he answered, completely unprompted, "I give lessons."

"Vocal lessons?"

"Yes, at night. After practice."

"Okay..." She wasn't sure what he was trying to say. Was he inviting her to said lessons? He let go of her completely, and turned towards the mirror.

"And, Y/N," He glanced back at her, "Don't enter the catacombs without me. It can be dangerous, if you don't know where you're going."

With that, he disappeared, and then she realized... how did he know her name?


After that encounter, Y/N went to bed, thinking she may have had a delusional dream. She woke up early the next morning, changed into one of her new gowns, and then did her hair and make up (outfit up top).

At around ten, she heard knocking on her door, and opened it to find her father (holding a large wooden trunk) -- followed by two young men, hauling a book case, who quickly brushed past her to situate the case.

"Hello, Darling! You look lovely," Her father spaced the trunk down, hugged her quickly, then went to tip the two young men.

He then tucked the trunk under her bed.

"What's in the trunk? A body?"

After the two men left, he turned to her, "Currency."

"Dad... is there seriously an entire trunk of gold coins under my bed?"

"It's a small trunk, only three feet by one - relax. I want to make sure you're comfortable during your stay and have enough to travel home."

"That's enough to buy and furnish a home," Y/N laughed, shaking her head, "But thank you."

"How did you rest last night?"

"Pretty well, I think I'll like it here!"

"Of course darling, and you must write me everyday!"

"Then you must write me, as well. And don't even try to get Chris to write them for you - I know his handwriting."

"I wouldn't think of it! Now, breakfast? Maybe some tea?"

The Leading Lady (Phantom of the Opera x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now