Chapter Six

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Her dreams were haunted by Erik. It was just her and him in the boat, rowing endlessly. She saw him like a vision — gorgeous in it's entirety. He had spoken to her so little, but his voice played like a little hum in her ear.

When she woke up, she had a smile on her face. She looked to her mirror, part of her wanting it to swing open and reveal her handsome stranger. It didn't budge.

She got up, and pulled a black leotard and tights from her dresser. She changed quickly, and did her hair and makeup in record timing. Swiftly, she made her way to the dancing room where Madame Giry would begin teaching her the only dance of the show -- she and Piangi had a short and passion-filled tango of sorts, but before they could work on it together, Giry had to teach her the basics.

The dancing studio was a simple, white-painted room with three large windows facing out to Paris. One wall was covered in mirrors, and there was a simple bar on the other. She had arrived early, but Giry was already there, doing simple stretches on the floor.

"Mademoiselle, please -- join me," She instructed. Y/N nodded, placing her bag down and getting on the ground, mimicking Madame Giry's stretches. They continued stretching for almost twenty minutes, and in that time Y/N learned Giry was much more liber than she was.

"Okay, now, we begin the introduction of the dance," She spoke quickly and with a thick French accent, "You will start on stage left, and float to Piangi, and once you are close enough, you will spin into an embrace with him. Then, the two of you with do a simple ballroom block, he will dip you and spin you out and in, you will have your dialogue, then let go."

Y/N nodded, completely lost, "Do you mind demonstrating with me?"

Giry looked at her for a moment, in a slightly irritated way, then went to the door and yelled out, "Meg!"

After a moment, a small blonde ballerina appeared, "Yes, mama?"

"Can you be my dancing partner? We need to run through the duet between Y/N and Piangi."

Meg nodded, and went back to the door, assuming the role Y/N plays. Then, her mother began counting in French. Y/N watched as Meg sashayed to Giry, giving an illusion of floating, then spun into an embrace with her. Then, she and her mother did a simple box trot, and her mother dipped her far down, pulled her up, and spun her out and back into an embrace. With ever move, Meg's loose hair whipped and spun around, catching light from the windows. Y/N was in a marvel at the amount of movement that had undergone in such a small amount of time.

"Now, you try with Meg as Piangi."

Y/N went to the door, and successfully attempted a sashay to Meg, but overshot with the spin and ended up bumping into her.

"I'm so sorry, Meg!"

"Don't worry about it, you're just starting out," she smiled and placed an encouraging had on Y/N's shoulder, "But before you spin, made sure you are three feet away from me, and you'll do fine!"

Y/N nodded, running back to the door and trying again. This time, she did so successfully and landed in Meg's arms.

"I did it!" Y/N exclaimed, hugging Meg in excitement.

"Yes, you have accomplished but one move. Congratulations," Giry said sarcastically, "Now, we teach you a box trott."

"No need! I know how."

"You know how to ballroom dance?" Giry was skeptical.

"My father is a Marquess. I have been attending balls since I was a child," Y/N reassured, taking Meg's hand. The two of them completed a simple dance, and Meg dipped Y/N down.

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