Chapter Seven

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When Y/N woke up the next morning, Erik was gone and in his place was a single red rose with a black ribbon. Y/N picked up the gentle thing, and spun it between her fingers, smiling. It was so delicate, and so vibrant a shade of red, she thought it had to be freshly cut. However that may be possible. 

Lazily, she stood, and went to her dresser, changing into the same leotard and wrap combo she wore just a few days prior. As she changed in the bathroom, she made an effort to straighten out the rest of her. 

It didn't dawn on her the peculiarity of the night before. Erik, who had only previously shared a singing lesson and a few stiff-and-stark conversations, had spent the night asleep in her bed. Not only this, with the scandal to naturally come with such an event, but she trusted him enough. She hardly knew him. 

She then realized had woken up earlier than usual, so she took a few moments to clean her room and make her bed. She gently placed the rose on her dresser, and looked around to see if her father left a vase. The perceptive man he was, he left several in a box full of other random items, and she selected one, filling it with water, and gently placed the rose inside.

After looking at it a moment, she turned to her desk where her black letters were set, and began writing a note.

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your company last night, as well as the gorgeous rose. They've always been my favorite.

I truly appreciate your vulnerability, and I look forward to our next lesson, as well as our next cup of tea.

With care,

The note was simple enough. She folded it in half, and stuck it between the mirror-door and it's frame.

She grabbed her rehearsal bag and made her way, near silently, to the main auditorium and stage. Practice wouldn't begin for over an hour, but she wished to run through her blocking for scene two.

She dropped her bag on a seat in the audience, and climbed onto stage. She marveled once more at the beauty of the opera house, then stepped back down to the piano in the pit. She began playing notes and warming up with ease.

Once she felt good enough, she went onto stage, and sat downstage looking to the audience. She spoke through her first lines, imagining the other characters on stage. In place of Piangi, however, was Erik.

"You have returned! How was the war? Did you fight hard? What did you fight for?" She sang. In operas, all lines were sung.

Per the blocking, she turned to where Piangi should be standing, leaping up herself, and pretending Erik, dressed in Hannibal's uniform, runs up to her in an embrace. She hugged herself, singing through her next lines, imagining the warmth of Erik once more. 

"Oh my soldier, oh my love! Back in arms," She followed the notes perfectly, despite the lack of partner, and walked through her blocking.

Once she finished the scene in its entirety, she looked at the clock hung backstage for actors. She had a half hour before people would start showing up, so she stood center stage and just marveled.  As a little girl, she dreamed of singing in this very spot, and now she stood there. Alone and in the center of the world. Of course, in her dreams she wasn't alone. Father usually sat front and center, somehow free of responsibility and fully intent on only his daughter. Next to him would be Christopher, ready to cheer her on and hand her a big bouquet of yellow flowers. All alongside her would be a cast of characters she knew, and who worked wonderfully and synchronously with her. 

Something pulled her eyes upward, and she saw Erik leaning on the railing of the upper service ramps, staring down at her. She smiled to him, and waved. He waved his cape in a sort of acknowledgment, then disappeared.

The Leading Lady (Phantom of the Opera x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now