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read deja vu.) 21 or else this shit ain't gonna make sense.

After Athena had her mini breakdown, she spent her time, at the bakery where she worked at.

maribeth was very kind and nice to her, and always treated her like the daughter she's always wanted.

When hearing that Ashtray dumped her, she was ready to have a pitchfork and burn there house down.

After getting Athena to cheer up, and getting her a chocolate muffin, Maribeth drove her back to her house, and gave her a nice warm hug.

Athena didn't want to deal with her parents at the moment, so she just decided to sneak in through her window, which was pointless, her parents wouldn't even ask her where she was, and she was fine with that.

A few days passed by, and Athena thought by now she would've been out of bed, and ready to go, excited, and over ashtray, turned out, she was not.

She simply just didn't have the energy, for anything or anyone.

Her parents caught on to what had happened, and knew even more when Athena's mom kept asking questions.

When knowing, they were also very kind, since they knew what it had felt at, and made sure she was fine, or as fine as a person who just got there heart torn into pieces could be, and made sure she ate proper food.

it had been officially 2 weeks since the break-up.

and Athena? She was doing pretty good, since a couple days ago she was contemplating everything.

She even decided to get all dolled up, and go to her favorite place, the lovers cove

Did she find it with Gia? yes. Is that where Ashtray confessed his love to her? yes. Will it spoke up some bad memories? maybe.

Is it the only place she finds comfort or? yes.

She made the walk to the place, but wanted to stop at the family owned business.

She really wanted to see ashtray, like needed to see him.

She just wanted to make sure he was alright.

She was surprised to see fezco at the register, and just fezco, no ashtray in the back.

"hey kid? how's it going?" The redhead asked her, he was sort of confused why she came here of all places, but deep down he knew it was to see ashtray.

"uh- yeah sorry, it's doing good, perfect," athena coughed, she grabbed her drink and a little snack.

Athena came to the register, where fezco surprisingly said, "your totals 3.50$"

Athena stared, and grabbed her wallet out.

She grabbed her things, and mumbled a simple thanks before leaving.

It wasn't that fact that Athena knew she had to pay, it hurt more to know that she was never gonna have more moments with fezco.

Cause now it's fucking awkward. and that hurt, it being awkward with someone you used to love and care for like a brother? that shits tears you apart.

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