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Heading towards their next destination after they spent the night on that bar, drinking, talking and thinking.

It's now time for them to wonder again and be vagabonds.

" five "

It was a whisper that echoed through Yuri's mind. She didn't recall registering it into her ears, but if she could, she wouldn't have known who had said it.

As she look around her, Yuri can't seems to see any signs of someone who would said that, she was just alone in the corner of a hallway where Chaewon told her to wait while she's checking something.

Confused as hell, Yuri started panicking thinking if it's a mythical creature who wanted to devour her right now, while Chaewon's gone and she just hoped it's not how she think it is.

Pushing her back at the brick wall as if she could just pass through it and move to the other side.

Nervous started covering her body and Chaewon who's afar, can hear the fast beating of Yuri's heart which makes the older nervous.

" Yuri ? "

Someone called her name, but this time it was a different voice, one that she was familiar with. Yuri closed her eyes trying to shake that voice off of her head.

She's very familiar with the voice and it's not Chaewon's. It's the one who keep following her around.

" Stop running away " She heard the voice again. " Stop! " Yuri shouted in her cracked voice.

Chaewon, who heard who's voice is that, quickly fastened her pace thinking that something's happening to Yuri and when she appear on the hallway where she left the younger.

She was confused, seeing Yuri hugging her knees while sitting on the ground.

" Yuri ? " This time it was Chaewon who called her name.

Yuri quickly gaze up her head and once she saw Chaewon looking worriedly at her direction. Yuri stand and hug Chaewon making her startled.

" It's here " Yuri mumbled as she burried her face in Chaewon's neck as if she was trying to hide.

Chaewon was awkward, but somehow she felt like she needed to comfort Yuri.

It's the first time someone hug her like how Yuri's hugging her right now.

Chaewon never experienced being hugging but starting from this days, she have finally experience one after all the years she's breathing.

With no experience from this things. Chaewon just let Yuri hug her till she came back to her senses.

She have no idea what happened and she won't force her about it.

Yuri started pulling away from her with embarrassment realizing what she just did. Well she have no other choice, she's really scared.

She's just scared for a second but now she felt better after she pulled away from Chaewon's warmth but it's weird when she felt something empty.

" What happened ? " Chaewon confusingly asked.

She's so curious why would Yuri act like that, and hug her out of the blue. She thought that maybe Yuri saw something terrible or maybe she's just hungry ?

Because ever since they stop and left the car. Yuri couldn't stop praising the foods that they see and passed by whenever they started walking.

Yuri shake her head slowly. " Im hungry " She lied thinking it's better to not say it. " And don't you dare read my mind, if you do, you'll just read and see very embarrassing things " She warned the vampire who have the ability to read her mind.

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