70 2 0

Yuri continued to drive, but this time in a normal and medium speed.

They're too far away from the guards and the shop so the two believe that they won't find or reach them.

" Four "

There was this voice again speaking in Yuri's mind. She was confused where did that came from and she's aware it's not Chaewon's voice.

" Did you hear that ? " Yuri asked Chaewon beside her.

" Hear what ? " Chaewon shrug her shoulders having no idea what's the fellow talking about.

Now that makes Yuri think that she's the only one who can hear that someone counting numbers 5 to 0.

" I didn't hear anything though " She added before diverting her gaze outside.

But as soon as she look at the skies, confusion taken up her mind. It was clearly sunny earlier but now the skies are slowly turning into gray, to a dark one.

A strange rush of electricity ran up Yuri's spine, the strands of her hair and in her arms stand, and in a blink of an eye suddenly the very bright sky had just got a lot darker than how she and Chaewon could remember.

" It's here " Chaewon spoke, feeling the cold and hot atmosphere of a reaper. " I know " Yuri agreed.

She glanced at the side mirror, then to the rear mirror, then back to the road.

She was panicking didn't know where should she look, should she always check the mirrors ? or keep her eyes glued on the road ?

There were risks she couldn't force to take. She still don't want to die, and she believes it's still not her time.

But one thing is certain, that the reaper is here, chasing the car were both of them are inside.

Yuri continued to panicked, she can't just focus her eyes on the road, afraid that the reaper might be just behind, beside, at the back and infront of them.

The time Yuri checked the side mirror, she didn't know she lost track on the road.

" Yuri! Watch out! " Chaewon shouted.

Hearing that, Yuri quickly look infront, tires screeching on the ground, while the steering wheel was pulled forcedly towards the right.

Yuri step so hard on the break, when she find a chance to do it but to bad they hit a wall.

The car stopped forcedly, their bodies was thrown infront.

Good thing is they're wearing their own seat belts or else they'll be in a worse condition and that was a close one.

" Shit, it got us " Yuri cursed, slamming her hand on the steering wheel showing how piss she is.

" Can you move that out ? "

Chaewon looked to Yuri, seeing her pointing her index finger to the pile of broken bricks place infront of the car, surely it's outside is broken and flattened.

" Could you ? " Chaewon ask her back with no reason.

" Excuse me ? I am not a psychic like you " Yuri rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe what had just come out of Chaewon's mouth.

Because why in the hell could Yuri be able to lift all these bricks infront of them.

Even the front mirror is broken.

Before Chaewon could response at what she said, someone talk first and it's unfamiliar for her but to the Younger it's very familiar.

" Don't lie, You can lift them up by your bare hands as a human " A not so feminine voice came from the back seat.

Chaewon look behind her, eye brows furrowing seeing a girl sitting behind them, that she haven't seen or encountered before.

Though Chaewon feel she have, at once.

" Who the heck let you in inside the car, you have no permission to do so "

Yuri turned to the back seat to where the voice came from.

She met eyes with the girl dressed in all black clothes.

Her clothes are so dark that it seems like even a single ray of light couldn't even dare to blend through it.

" Is she you know ? " Chaewon face the younger and Yuri nodded her head as an answer.

The girl who's sitting behind them is none other than the ruthless grim reaper, well she doesn't seem look like ruthless but that's how people define her.

" Yes, I am " The girl answered Chaewon's question to Yuri " and I'm only here to complete my duty, and this girl here is coming with me "

Yuri's eyes darted down to the reapers finger that was pointing at her. " No thank you, Im not ready to die today even if we almost " Slapping the Reaper's hand away from her.

" Then, I would have to use some force "

The Reaper's eyes shined in chartreuse phosphorescent color. The natural eye color of someone like her.

She held Yuri's wrist and Yuri tried to shrug it away but it's useless, and before the reaper could take her away and bring her somewhere.

They were both startled when Chaewon shouts.

" Not in here!! "

The vampire have been silent when she find out that the girl was a reaper.

It's very different from what kind of reaper she imagined all this time that was chasing Yuri.

She have no idea that a human figure like her and Yuri, could be a grim reaper too.

" Let's talk outside " The reaper said while looking at Chaewon in the eye before disappearing in the back seat leaving it empty.

As Chaewon was about to leave the car to look for the reaper.

She was stopped by Yuri's hands placed on both side of her shoulder pushing and forcing her down to the passengers seat.

" It's dangerous " Yuri's aware that the annoying grim reaper is powerful than someone like Chaewon.

It makes her think twice to tried negotiating with the reaper.

This isn't the first time that she had been chased and followed, but she wanted to talk with the reaper thinking that maybe there is another way out of all this mess in her life.

But that's impossible.

" Chaewon " She called the vampire.

Chaewon was being stubborn.

Now that she finally met the reaper, that Yuri's running away all this time. She wanted to finish everything now.

So she'll be free again just like what she wanted.

That's her plan all along.

She only stick to Yuri because she wanted the youngers blood, and she promised and talk to herself that once she met or see that reaper, Yuri's talking about.

She dared herself to kill it no matter how hard it might be.

So if ever, the reaper won't be back to disturb Yuri and Yuri won't be back to disturb Chaewon.


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