5. Role.

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Perth walks towards the coffee shop near Max's place. He needs to buy coffee and pick up Zee in Max's house.

Yesterday evening Zee called him, asking if he can give a lift because his friends are busy and even his brother no one will pick him up to meet Director Fluke.

“Are you okay?” Perth asks him because Zee looks down.

Zee feels like it's his first time meeting a director. Actually it's his first time again after he take a break for 2 months.

The fans is not crazy as they used to be after they know the break up so Zee is decided to be back on the industry.

“Why do you looks so nervous?” Perth asked Zee another question when they arrived the meeting place. They are still in the car.

“I'm nervous. This is my first time meeting him so I don't know what to do.”

Perth taps his shoulder. “Don't worry I'll be with you.”

“He asked me to meet him alone he didn't say that I can bring someone with me.” Zee frowns.

Perth chuckles. “I know.”

“Then you should know that you can't go with me.”

“It's okay, Zee. He personally asked me to go here to meet him anyway.”


“He called me yesterday. He told me to go here and meet him because he needs to discuss something with me.”

“Oh really? Okay then.”


Zee open the door of Fluke's office but he was stunned seeing who is inside. Perth also can't believe who is the person inside.

“Hi, sit down, you two.” Fluke said.

Perth and Zee sits in the couch. They looks at the two man in front of them and looks at Fluke who is walking towards them with a paper in his hands.

“So let me introduce myself to the four of you. I'm Director Fluke and I called you here because I want to discuss something. Have you heard the news that I will be the director of the series BE MINE?”

The four nods. Of course they know. It's all over the internet now.

“I offered the the role for Perth before but he declined it because he wants to continue his singing career but early of this month. He called me and asked me if the role is still available and I said of course. I can't find a better person who suits the character other than him anyway. So I asked him to say some lines from the script and he did well... so he will be one of the lead role along with NuNew and Saint who also do their best in the audition.”

“Thank you, Director.” NuNew say and smile. He looks at the person beside him.

Saint smile at him. Actually NuNew said that he wants to do the series so when he heard that he decided to try his luck because he wants to be paired with NuNew. He doesn't want anyone to be paired with him. Only him.

“Then why did you called me here? I didn't audition in that series.” Zee asked. He is confused.

Fluke smile. “I know but I already talked to your manager about this matter. I told him that I want you to do the role two months ago but he said you can't that time because it's also the time when the break up issue happened. Your manager said that if you decided to comeback before the shooting of the series start you can take the role so what do you think? You need to say a few lines tho. I want to make sure.”

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