11. No one hear.

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When NuNew and Saint walks to their room they already fall asleep. They are too tired driving from the shooting location to their place.

Saint open his eyes when he feels like someone is caressing his face. It's his boyfriend who looks surprise when he opened his eyes.

Saint chuckles.

“Why are you still awake?”

“I don't know maybe I'm just too happy that's why I woke up in the middle of the night... ah it's morning. I forgot.”

Saint look at him deeply before he leans to him. They are not in the countryside and this is NuNew's house so it's okay if they do it here. No one will see them.

NuNew close his eyes and let Saint kiss him. This is the same feeling that he felt when they kissed for the first time in the falls when they officially become boyfriends.

NuNew starting to kiss Saint back. Saint kiss is aggressive it's not like how he expect but he admit that he likes it more. He likes how Saint kissing him right now.

Full of love and also lust.

NuNew pushed Saint for a seconds because he need some air. He needs to breathe.

“Hmmm...” he moans.

Saint starting to suck his neck.

NuNew licks his lips while his eyes are close.

Saint looks at NuNew who is closing his eyes. He smirks before he goes down to his lenght.

He hold it with his both hands and start licking it which made NuNew eyes widened. He didn't even remember how Saint remove all of his clothes because he is too happy and overwhelmed of what Saint's doing.

“hmm Saint it's ahhmm”

“Sainttt... Please ahh stoppp I'm g-gonna cum!”

NuNew wants Saint to stop because he is nearly cum. “It's dirty, stop... ahh!” he whisper, he don't want to scream it.

But Saint didn't listen, he continue pleasuring his boyfriend until NuNew burst his cum in his mouth.

Saint kiss NuNew in the lips, NuNew can taste his own cum because of that.

It's taste weird but Saint is kissing him so his body can't do anything other than go with the flow.

Saint hands trails down to NuNew's nipples, he flicks it.

NuNew gasp.

Saint sucking his nipples.

So good!

NuNew was taken aback when he feels like something is poking in his entrance.

Saint smirked when he saw NuNew's reaction, he looks back at NuNew who is eyes wide open.

He stops what's his doing in NuNew's nipples and pulls the lube that place in the cabinets. He put a lot of amount of lube in his hands before he slowly thrust his one finger inside his boyfriend.

“Ahhh shittttt mmmhh” NuNew moans.

It's hurt but he wants to give Saint whatever he wants.

If he wants his ass then he can have it.

Saint looks up NuNew and he saw he bit his lips not to moan loud. His face is super red, he's flustered.

He add his second finger.

“Ahhh it's hurt!!! Saint please it's hurt...”

“Shhh, it's okay, it's just me. I love you.” Saint whispered and kiss his lips once more before he thrust his two fingers in his hole, fast.

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