16. Wake up.

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Saint and NuNew is driving the car  they will visit Zee and Perth again.


“Yes, baby?” NuNew said while driving the car.

“I think about this for a while now.”


“I want to stop being an actor.”

NuNew suddenly stopped the car and it's almost made them hit their head but they are lucky they are wearing their seatbelt.

“Baby careful.”

NuNew confusedly stare at his boyfriend. “What do you mean?”

Saint sighs. “I don't want to be an actor. I want to have a normal life with you.”

NuNew blinks. He let Saint continue.

“After what happened to Zee and Perth I can't stop myself thinking if what if someday that will happen to us too. Actually it almost happened but...” he shake his head. “It's been 8 years since I start doing this job and I think that's enough for me.”

“If you do that what will you do after that?”

“I want to have a restaurant. I can start with a small one and I'll make sure it will become a big and successful restaurant in the future.”

Along with Saint answer. NuNew is also smiling.

NuNew hold Saint's hands and kiss his lips. “If you are going to do that I will too. I'll help you with your restaurant.”

“Our restaurant.” Saint corrected him.

NuNew chuckles and start to drive again.


Zee open his eyes but it's too bright so he close his eyes again before open it slowly.

He looks around and now he knows that he is in the hospital.

He can feel like someone is holding his hand so his eyes looks at his hand and to the person who hold it.

“P'Max...” he call him softly. He can't say something loud. He move his fingers slowly and that's make Max wake up.

His eyes widened and looks at Zee. “Zee! Zee you're awake!”

Zee nods.

“Wait here! I'll call the doctor.” Max run leaving Zee who is looking around.

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The doctor immediately check him if everything is fine and after that he left.

“P'Max where is Perth?” he asked.

Max take a sit in the chair beside the bed. “Let's talk about that some other time, okay? For now you need to rest.”

“Where is Perth?”


“P' please tell me.”

“It's better for you if you rest for now.” Max still didn't say where Perth is.

“P'Max! I been sleeping for almost two weeks! I think I have enough rest.” Zee is still persistent. “I want to know where Perth is. I want to see him. He's okay right? Can you call him and tell him to visit me?”

Max stare at his brother. He want his brother not to think of anything but this brother of his won't stop asking about Perth is he didn't say it.


“P'Max please tell me. Perth... is okay right?”

Max sighs. “Perth is in coma. He is in the next room.”

“What?” tears drops in his eyes. He shake his head in disbelief. “No... no no tell me you are joking... Please P'.”

“I'm not, Zee. You are the first one who wake up between you two.”

Zee is crying while trying to stand up but Max didn't let him. “Please Zee just rest for now. I'll help you to see him later but not now.”

“But P'Max Perth is...”

“I know you are worried and you want to see him but for now listen to me.” Max hugged his brother and caressed his back.

Zee just let Max he is still crying.

“P' it's not just accident.” Zee whisper enough for Max to hear. “They hit our car and that's the reason why our car fell. P' they want us to die. P'...”

“Don't worry about that.” Max said. He is still mad about the reporters who did that. Even if they are in prison now, for him, that's not enough. He wants them to pay for everything they did. NuNew and Saint also help them with the case because they also experience being chased by that reporter, thankfully they didn't got into any accident that time.

“But what if they try to do that again?”

“They can't do that now. They are in the prison now.”

Zee hugged Max tightly at the same time the door opens.

“Zee!” They said. They are shocked when they saw Zee awake but at the same time happy.

Saint, NuNew and Tommy stand in front of Zee while Max leave the room for them to have some talk.

“Are you okay?” Tommy is really worried. They are a little bit busy because of his series but everytime he is free he dropped by.

Zee nods. “But P'Max said Perth is still in the coma.” he said and lifts his head to look at Tommy. “Can you visit him later, Tommy? Please.” he hold Tommy's hand.

Tommy nods. He can tell by the look Zee gave him that Perth is important for his friend. “I'll visit him for you.”

“Thank you.”

Zee turn to see Saint and NuNew. “I'm glad you're okay, Zee.” Saint said.

“True. I'm glad you're awake now and the one who did that to you already in prison.” NuNew agree.


It's been 3 weeks and 2 days and Zee is walking to Perth's room. He got discharged 3 days after he wake up.

He sit in the chair beside the bed where Perth is. He hold his boyfriends hand.

His brother and friends didn't say anything about his relationship with Perth either because even if Zee didn't say it clearly his actions speak louder for them.

“Wake up.” he whisper and kiss Perth's hand.  “It's been 3 weeks, Perth. Stop sleeping here. Wake up and be with me.”

The face of Perth while driving the car, the gasps, the scream, the yell and Perth's hand who is holding his hand while their car is falling.

He always remember it.

Even in his dream.

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