Chapter Thirteen

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Buckle up ladies and gentleman, sh!ts about to go down.

Be it shame or slander. Seduction or smear. There is one thing that continues to humble even the most highly regarded members of our dear ton:A scandal. Tonight, a privileged selection of only the most fashionable guests will descend upon the most scandal prone grounds in all of London: Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens

Its shaded garden walls, such as those of the Dark Walk, have covered for the most notorious of trysts. This author wonders which persons of quality shall be discovered there tonight. Or better yet, how many?

Anthony had taken his mother's words to heart. And the next day, he found himself at Sienna's flat, determined to end it. But of course, the moment he entered the flat, Sienna had believed he had wanted her. And in that moment, he had.

Throughout the whole act, Anthony could only think of Loren. What would she say if she knew about this? She was already onto him, and he knew she'd be overly disappointed in him. Which is why he had to end it, today

Anthony was now dressed once again, lost in thought, twirling his pocket watch through his fingers, Sienna snuggled beneath the sheets. The man turned to her, and Sienna could see that something was very wrong. "I cannot see you anymore." He stated simply. She stared at him in  confusion. "I do not understand." Anthony shook his head, "It is not for you to understand. I must do what is necessary." 

Sienna was stunned. She never believed that this day would come. "You said you would always protect me. You promised to care for me,my lord. And now... What shall I do now?" Sienna asked, genuinely concerned for her well-being. Anthony held her gaze, "You will leave." And with  that, Anthony left the room, leaving a stunned and somewhat heartbroken Sienna.


It was night now, and members of the ton were all filing into the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. It was absolutely beautiful. Words could not even describe the beauty. Canopy trees littered the gardens, along with gorgeous lights, and Loren loved it. She walked behind Daphne and Violet, Simon on her right. As she continued to admire the scenery, Loren noticed Simon staring at a group of Cyprian women. She rolled her eyes, what a rake. "Ladies and gentlemen, a most extraordinary event is about to take place! Right this way!Come! Come!" A man shouted. And so everyone followed. Loren had tried keeping close to the Bridgerton's now, because Simon had suddenly disappeared. 

Everyone filed into the gardens, excitement bubbling throughout the crowd. Loren admired the colorful glass lanterns that hung from the trees. Her attention was then drawn to the stage, where the Master of Ceremonies stood. "It is with great privilege I present Vauxhall's newest spectacle of illumination! Feast your eyes above! And allow all that is radiant to overwhelm you!" The man exclaimed. 

Suddenly, golden-colored light bathed the crowd. The effect was breathtaking upon the crowd, Loren was in awe, for she had never seen anything so beautiful. Out of no where, Anthony appeared, standing beside Daphne. "Is it not the most bizarre... look brother." She said, gesturing to the lights. But evidently, Anthony was not paying attention. Out of Loren's peripheral vision, she saw Daphne turn toward Anthony, "What is it?" 

"Lord Berbrooke's barony is over two-hundred years old. His lineage is legitimate. He has had an excellent education. Possesses no debts. Never hurt an animal or a woman and he is even a decent shot. To speak strictly, there is nothing wrong with him." Anthony began. "Why should any of this-"

"You shall marry him."

Loren was taken aback, but she did her best to conceal it. Surely, this must be a joke. Anthony would not do this. The woman continued to eavesdrop, "I had to find you a husband, sister. Now be grateful it is done. It should be just as easy for you to fall in love with Lord Berbrooke as with anyone else--"

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