Chapter Thirty-Two

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Loren found herself frozen in shock. How was her Father here? She didn't even know who the man was! The only possibility was... Lady Whistledown. Loren recalled weeks ago after Daphne's debut, Lady Whistledown wrote about Loren and her history, which included the name Pamela Smith. 

The man must've read it, and remembered the name. This fueled Loren's curiosity. "Bring me to him." She said. Anthony stared at her as if she was insane, and he voiced this opinion, "Loren, are you insane? No one knew who your Father was, how do you know you can trust this man." The woman sighed, "Anthony, if he really is my Father, I wish to know who he is."

The man continued to try and convince her, but her mind was made up. She was going to meet this man who was believed to be her Father. He insisted to accompany her, which she greatly appreciated. The servant led the couple out of the ballroom and into the parlor where a tall man was waiting.

Anthony was shocked at the resemblance. Violet had mentioned on multiple occasions that Loren had only inherited her Mother's dark curls, nothing more. But the man before them looked exactly like the woman he loved. It was quite bizarre really. The tall man gazed at Loren, a smile crossing his lips, "So you must be Loren." 

She nodded, "I am." The man nodded, "My name is Alexandre Toussaint. I've journeyed all the way from France to find you." "How'd you find me?" Loren questioned. The man reached into his pocket, retrieving a copy of Lady Whistledown, confirming Loren's theory. 

He smiled, "I can see her in you. She was so beautiful, just as you are." He said, sadness lacing his words. Loren still found herself very confused about the whole situation, "W-Why are you here? Why haven't you been here?" She demanded. Anthony could tell that Loren was becoming more frustrated by the second, he spoke up, "Why don't we sit and discuss-"

"No Anthony, I will not sit. It has been twenty-eight years. I want an explanation as to why you show up, now of all times!" The man sighed, "I suppose you do deserve an explanation." Loren nodded. He then began, "Pamela was one of my wife's maids. She was the sweetest woman I've ever met. You see, my wife and I were betrothed, there was never any love between us. A year into our marriage, I was told that my wife was having an affair, with my brother of all people." 

The couple listened intently, interested with the story. "I was just so anger, and I wished for revenge. I tried to drink my sorrows away, but nothing helped. So that day, I found Pamela and payed her a good amount of coin to sleep with me." Loren was shocked. "No, my Mother was a good woman. She'd never help you with your plot for vengeance on your wife." Despite obviously not knowing Pamela, Loren just knew that she would never do such thing. 

Alexandre nodded, "You are right. She was a good woman, and just because she agreed does not make her any worse." Loren was in absolute shock. She couldn't understand how her mother could do such a thing. Anthony noticed her discomfort, and found himself reaching for her hand as Alexandre continued, "It was only one night, but it held consequences. Pamela ended up being with child, and when my wife found out, she was... well, she was furious. She fired Pamela immediately, and sent her away." The woman's eyes widened, "You impregnate her and then you allow your wife to send her away?? With no home to turn too??" 


"She was so young! Violet has told me she seemed only in her early twenties! No one in this twisted world accepts young women like her! Especially in her condition!" Tears of frustration burned her eyes. 

"Please, Loren, let me explain. It is the second biggest regret of my life, and I continue to feel guilty for it." He said sadly. "What is the first?" Loren questioned, referring to the regrets. Alexandre sighed deeply, "My biggest regret is not being there to raise you." Anthony refrained from rolling his eyes. He gazed at Loren, who was staring at the man, processing his words. 

"I didn't need you. I found a home here, I never needed you." She said coldly. "And I understand completely. I simply have one request." "And what is that?" Loren asked, crossing her arms, fed up with all of this. "Come to France with me, for a month or so. I truly wish to know my daughter." 

"No." Anthony said sternly. "Anthony, please-" He cut her off, "You will not take her anywhere. She will not go with you." Loren turned her gaze upon Anthony, giving him a look. He shook his head, "No, no. You are not serious Loren! You cannot go with this man! You cannot leave me." He said, his voice cracking. "Anthony, it would only be for a month or two. If this man is my Father, I should reconcile with him." He shook his head, "No, Loren, please. We are to be married soon, you wished for a summer wedding, how are we to do this if you are in France." 

"We shall wed when I return then. I do not care when we marry Anthony, all I know is that I wish to marry you, and that is what we shall do." Tears welled in the man's eyes as he spoke, "Please, don't go." He begged, his desperation breaking her heart. Tears stung her own eyes as she lifted her hand to his face, caressing her thumb against his cheek, "I must, my love."

Anthony glanced down, avoiding eye contact. Loren continued, "I will write everyday, we shall never lose contact." The man was crumbling right before her eyes, he loved her so much and could not bear the thought of not seeing her everyday. But, he loved her, which is why he ultimately decided to let her go. 

He pressed a firm kiss to her lips, wishing to remember this moment. He pulled away, "You will go to France, and you will have a lovely time. You will write everyday, and so will I. And Loren, you must remember, I love you so much."

Loren smiled at him, blinking back tears, "I love you too." 


Loren left the next day. Despite only leaving hours ago, Anthony missed her dearly. He busied himself with work for the next month, awaiting her letters. But none ever came.

Anthony's heart was shattered from not hearing from his love, but he didn't show it. The entire family knew he was a wreck, but he would never let anyone in. The only person he'd ever let in was Loren, and now it seemed as though he had lost her.

Unbeknownst to him in France, Loren was awaiting Anthony's responses. She had sent multiple letters, and yet she hadn't received a single one in return. Her Father noticed her heartbreak, and attempted to cheer her up by showing her around, buying her gifts, but nothing worked. Alexandre's wife, Nicolette, also tried helping, but Loren didn't wish for her help. All she wished for was to return to England. 

But that would not happen, not until Eloise's debut. That was the deal that was made. All she could do now was sit in her sorrows, and wait until she could return and see her love once again.



lowkey hated writing this chapter because I forgot how to write for my own character lol.

Thank you for reading and please comment your thoughts!


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