Bonus Chapter 2

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It was a beautiful Sunday morning at the Bridgerton household. Viscountess Loren Bridgerton found herself seated at the dining table beside her favorite brother-in-law, Benedict.

Since returning from her and Anthony's honeymoon, she had been spending lots of time with the second eldest brother. There friendship had been somewhat torn since the woman left for Paris. She then found herself distracted by Charles Baird, who was now happily married to Kate Sharma, and the two were now trying to rekindle the tarnished friendship. And considering Anthony was occupied with business most mornings, Loren and Benedict had been spending practically all their free time together.

Normally, they'd find themself engaged in some form of conversation, either about art, the usual gossip, or just some completely random thought Benedict was having.

But this morning, the man was quiet. He'd been in a daze ever since the masquerade ball they had attended the previous night. Loren knew that look, she knew it very well. It was the same look of adoration that she received from Anthony.

Clearing her throat, she spoke up, "Something on your mind, Benny?" She was met with silence. "Ahem, Benny?"

Upon receiving no response again, the woman reached for a biscuit from the large platter, she tossed it gently in her hand before taking aim.

The biscuit flew through the air and whacked the distracted man in the head. "Oi!" He exclaimed, turning his gaze upon the woman, "What the hell was that?"

"Watch your tone, Benny, I was merely trying to catch your attention." Loren explained. Benedict stuck his tongue out at her in response, reaching down to pick the biscuit off of the floor.

"Now, what's going on in that head of yours?" Loren questioned. Benedict scoffed, "Nothing, now that you whacked me in the head." She rolled her sapphire eyes, "Come onnn! I know that look!"

"What look?"

"You, my dear friend, met someone last night." The man's face flushed slightly, "No." His tone was very much giving his lie away.

"A-hah! You did meet someone! Who is she??" Loren demanded. Benedict let out a soft sigh, "Well, that's somewhat the issue... I don't know."

The dark-haired woman stared at him, tilting her head in confusion, "I understand it was a masquerade ball, but you could've at least gotten her name."

"Believe me, Lo, I tried. But it was one dance and the next thing I knew she was fleeing the ballroom." Benedict explained. Loren nodded along with his words, trying to imagine the situation, "That sounds very much like Cinderella." She pointed out. But Benedict wasn't listening, he had gone back to daydreaming about his lost love.

"God, Benedict," She murmured, running a hand through her loose curls. The sound of a door slamming drew her attention from her distracted friend.

"Loren?" A smile spread across her lips as she recognized the voice to be her husband's. "In the dining room, dearest!"

Footsteps echoed throughout the home as Anthony Bridgerton, looking as handsome as ever, entered the room, a grin lighting up his face at the sigh of his beautiful wife. Walking across the room toward her, he greeted, "Hello, my love."
"Hello Anthony," She replied, craning her head slightly as he leaned down, pressing a gentle peck to her lips.
She smiled into the kiss, her hand coming forward to cup his cheek as he deepened the romantic gesture.

Pulling away, Anthony's gaze fell upon his starstruck brother. He quirked a dark brow, "What is the matter with him?" He inquired. Loren let out a soft chuckle, "Darling, Benedict is in love."

Anthony's eyes widened, "Benedict's in love?" He moved to tap his brother's shoulder, "Benedict, are you in love?"

"W-What?? No! I just met the girl for heaven's sake!" He exclaimed, rising from his seat, his face bright red. Anthony laughed, "Brother, who is this young woman who seems to have captured your heart?"

"You two and your interrogations, God, I cannot stand it!" Without another word, he moved toward the door, leaving the married couple alone.

The two glanced at each other for a moment, before looking back at where he had just stood. Anthony crossed his arms, "We'll find out eventually."

"We shall." Loren replied, sending her husband a smile. "Now, why don't we go into town, the bookstore has new shipments in, and I believe that you are in need of new reading material." Anthony suggested.

The woman stood up, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "You treat me too well." She whispered. "Anything for my lovely lady." Anthony replied softly, gazing down at her with loving eyes.

"Hmm, lovely lady. I like the sound of that." Loren said, before standing upon her tiptoes to reattach their lips once again.


Another bonus chapter!! I miss Anthoren so much.
i have two other stories up! one is a conrad fisher fic, the other is a dean winchester fic if anyone's interested.
also, since the announcement of season 3 of obx coming soon, i have thought about writing a jj fanfic, but who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️
thank you for reading! comment your thoughts!

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