Chapter Thirty-Four

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Loren's anxiety was through the roof as her carriage continued on, slowly becoming closer and closer to the Bridgerton household. She fidgeted with the sleeves of her frock, gently biting her lip. Loren couldn't remember the last time she felt this nervous. She had attempted to prepare herself for the confrontation, but nothing could ever prepare her for seeing Anthony again.

Her Anthony.

Her sapphire eyes flitted to the small window of the carriage, watching the other households pass by. Before she knew it, the carriage slowed, then came to a complete stop. Loren gulped, feeling slightly nauseous with nerves. She could hear the soft footsteps of the footman as he approached the door, pulling it open. 

She took a deep shakey breath before rising from her seat, clamoring quickly out of the carriage. Her gaze fell upon the large house before her and suddenly she felt at home. So many good memories had taken place here. Even after reconciling with her Father, she couldn't imagine spending her life anywhere else. 

The large door was opened to reveal a grinning Benedict Bridgerton. He practically sprinted down the steps toward Loren before embracing her tightly. Tears stung the woman's eyes as she threw her arms around his neck. "Oh how I missed you, Benny." She whispered. "As did I, my dear Loren." He pulled away, gazing down upon her. Loren dabbed at her eyes, "Is the rest of the family inside?" She questioned, eager to see the rest of her family.

But to her dismay, Benedict shook his head, "I'm afraid the ladies, and Gregory are out in the park. I wished to stay behind and greet you." Loren nodded along with his words, her thoughts drifting to the whereabouts of the eldest Bridgerton. Benedict seemed to sense this, for he spoke again, "Anthony is out in town."

Loren averted Benedict's pitiful gaze, "How is he?" "He's doing well. The first few months after your departure, he was an absolute wreck. Rarely ever left his study. He slowly began to return to himself, although he would never be the same without you here."

Loren simply nodded, unable to ignore the ache in her heart. Benedict began ushering her inside, "I must say, we were all quite shocked when we did not receive a single letter from you." Loren halted before the door, confused. "Whatever do you mean?"

Benedict was just as confused once he saw her expression, "You did not write to us? We never received any correspondence from you." Loren could not believe what she was hearing. "No, no. I wrote to you--well to Anthony--every day! I sent you letters, and Eloise! How did you.." Loren paused, her face contorting into a look of anger. "God that wretched woman!" She exclaimed.

"Loren, what is the matter?" Benedict asked, feeling concerned. Tears stung Loren's eyes as she cursed Nicolette Toussaint. "Alexandre's wife, Nicolette, anytime I wrote a letter, she offered to deliver it to the postal office. God-I was so stupid! She was stealing my letters! They were never sent!" Benedict had never seen the woman so frustrated, he was genuinely worried that she might explode.

"Loren, are you certain??" "Do you not believe me?" She snapped, her response coming out harsher than expected. Benedict held up his hands in surrender, "No, no, of course I believe you. But would Mrs.Toussaint really do such a thing?" Loren nodded, "Yes, she would. I'm sure of it. Nicolette attempted to set me up with multiple bachelors, despite knowing of my engagement. It was utterly ridiculous!"

At the talk of engagement, Loren noticed that Benedict had paled slightly. Her dark brows arched, "What is it?" Benedict rubbed the back of his neck nervously, but remained silent. Loren took a step closer to him, her voice stern, "Benedict, what is it? What has happened?" The man sighed, "Loren, Anthony called off the engagement." Loren wasn't too surprised at this, but unbeknownst to her, she had comprehended his words wrong. "Oh, of course. I assumed he wouldn't say anything. But I am back now. I am here today, for after what happened with Nicolette, I refuse to return to France. I am here now, and we will talk and discuss the terms of the engagement and then we will marry."

Benedict shook his head, "Loren, no, you do not understand." The smile faded from her lips at his grave expression. "What do you mean?" She had never felt so stupid in her life. Benedict sighed deeply, "Anthony was crushed. Especially when he didn't receive a letter. He made a vow, that this season he would search for a new Viscountess. And.. he made it very clear that you would not be the one whom he would be with."


Even after an hour, Loren still could not process what Benedict had told her. After all they'd been through, how could he just give up so easily? The other Bridgerton's had returned, and were overjoyed to see her again. Eloise was so happy to finally have Loren back, and immediately bombarded her with questions, mainly revolving around how she could escape from her debut tomorrow.

Gregory and Hyacinth had barely left Loren's side since they returned, and were telling her stories of all that she missed. There were many stories, indeed. Loren found herself missing the eldest daughter's presence but was very happy to hear that she would be arriving tomorrow for her sister's debut.

Violet was seated on the blue couch beside Benedict, Francesca on her right side. Loren was upon the floor, playing with the children. Violet gazed upon the woman whom she had raised, and found herself thinking about how Loren would be with her own children. She would be an amazing mother, everyone knew. Violet found her thoughts shifting to her eldest son. During a moment of grief and sadness, Anthony became a young boy again, who needed his Mother there to console him. It was then that he had revealed to her that he had asked for Loren's hand, and that the two planned to marry. He was utterly devastated by Loren's departure, and it broke her heart.

But then, he composed himself. He became Viscount Bridgerton, and began busying himself in his work. And Violet came to find out that he would soon be starting the search for a wife, and Loren would not be on his list of suitable bachelorettes.

It was silent, besides the whispers of Loren and the children, when the door of the parlor was pushed open to reveal Anthony Bridgerton, in all his glory. He greeted his family with a nod, before his gaze fell upon the beautiful woman who was seated on the floor.

Before him sat Loren Smith.

His Loren.

The very woman who had stolen his heart, and then shattered it.


 Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen. We're getting ready for a ride!

First and foremost, thank you for all of the votes and reads, it means so much to me, considering this is my first fic.

Second, how y'all doing? 

Third, My birthday was yesterday! Woo-hoo!

And last, but not least, if y'all are willing; I'd highly appreciate it if you checked out my other fics. Only if you are into the fandom ofc lol. I have a Rooster Bradshaw fic and a JJ Maybank fic. My Schmidt (New Girl) fic will be put on hold for a lil bit but it will be back very soon.

Thank you all so much for reading and please comment your thoughts!


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