A series of bad decisions

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The forest was quiet. Liy was sitting on one of the tree's roots as she looked at the leaves dancing with the soft wind. Her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath, enjoying her time alone. "Willows are really beautiful trees; they seem like they were taken out of a fairy tale," she said to herself. After a while she opened the sudoku book again, looking at the puzzles she completed with Firey, the ones they decided to not do, and the ones they did wrong and were too lazy to fix. 

As the time went on, the birds sang again, returning from the high skies after the earthquake

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As the time went on, the birds sang again, returning from the high skies after the earthquake. 

"Would he be there too?" she asked herself. "If he's there, I can't go. I can't let anyone else know what I've done..." 

Liy looked at the leaves being carried away by the breeze once more.

"Maybe... maybe, Firey would not care...." she thought "Maybe he's not there, maybe none of them are there... but i can't know..." several thoughts crossed her mind at that moment "If they are there then I'm doomed, they will come to look for revenge, if they are there then Firey would probably already hate me..."

Liy lay down on the grass, dropping the sudoku book just on her side. The pinkish light of the sky was filtered by the leaves and branches of the willow "I really should go before the night arrives..." she turned and looked at the book again "I think... No, i can't go... i can't go until i finish this book..." 

Those words were clearly an excuse but she repeated it to herself enough to actually believe it, as the minutes passed and the light of the day was slowly disappearing, Liy completed as much as she could. The first stars were starting to be visible in the sky and she was not quite satisfied just yet.    

In the middle of a puzzle she was stuck on, something interrupted her.

Liy heard a sound from behind the bushes.

"I know you are in there; come back I'm not going to hurt you!" someone shouted from there. Liy smirked and closed the book, after that she stood up.

"Hey bush what's your wisdom?" she asked.

Three came out of the bushes immediately, wondering who was that other voice. He was walking around the forest in the search of something, Liy was the second person he met during his path. 

"Have you seen a rock around?" Three asked to her in a tired tone.

"A rock? Well, there are many rocks in this forest..." Liy replied, unsure if trust this strange thing that was talking to her. 

He was like nothing she ever saw in her entire life, the eyes, the way he moved and the feeling she felt after watching him. It was weird to describe with precision what was wrong with the person she had faced. 

"No, not just a normal rock. I mean, a rock that is alive and can walk... like you, but a rock!" Three said. Seconds later, they noticed how weirdly phrased that was and felt a little embarrassed "I'm Three by the way"

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