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I had never felt this frozen in my life before . Something in her appearance was so frightening that it seemed like you would get nightmares of her face every single night for the rest of your life . The fact that made it even worse was that i wasn't even sure if she was real or just existed in my head .

And there was no way of knowing that either . Unless someone 'sane' enough was present to tell me .

I didn't know what to do . If she was another hallucination and i would go back to my room , that wouldn't stop her from being visible again . I also couldn't just run away if she was real . But why would anyone come to my porch . Our neighbours were now careful enough to keep away from us , me specifically . So who could it be , and why isn't she communicating if she needs something .

By the time i was thinking this , she had rose from where she was sitting earlier .

Sparing one last creepy glance at me , she started walking ahead towards our car .

She stopped in front of it . I stood confused for a moment , watching her stand motionless for a few minutes . She then walked to the side onto the gravel path . She picked up the largest stone and returned back to where she was standing . She aimed at the windshield .

"No! STOP ! " I screamed as I ran towards her .

Too late . She flung the stone at it with full force making the glass explode into shiny matter , dropping like Stardust around the car .

I gaped in horror at the mess just created , ignoring the pain throbbing in my leg as blood trickled down from my foot due to stepping on a sharp piece of what I called a windshield a little while ago .

Just then the main gate opened and my parents entered out premises .

My mom dropped her bag and dad stood there speechless at the sight . The girl was nowhere to be seen .

I could feel the anger build up my father's body as he turned red and strode towards me at full pace .
" Dad , li--listen to m-me please , I-- " I broke down pleading .

He didn't let me finish . Instead I felt a painful sting on my right cheek as my head turned to a side by the force , followed by his harsh grip on my arm , dragging me back towards the house .

I kept stumbling not being able to balance myself . He heaved me up the stairs , too angry to save my injured foot from banging against the concrete and bleeding once more .

He entered the house and hauled me across the floor . I barely had stopped moving when he slapped me again , harder this time .

He was about to hit me again but my mom grabbed his arm , begging him to let me go .

He yanked his hand away and huffed .
" Get out of my sight before i forget you're my son " , he said through gritted teeth .

I crawled on the floor dragging my body behind , leaving a trail of blood as I reached my room . I stood up with a huge effort and locked the door .

I stumbled to my bed . And collapsed .

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