Part 6: Binson Oak's Taxes day.

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POV: Nora.

I'd wake up in black liquid and sat up to see where I was. "I'm back?" I'd say out loud questioning myself.  why I have returned to the strange dark and cold place. as I turned I saw an image of a memory of me and Marcy. "come on Marcy!" I'd hear a younger self say in excitement "I'm coming as fast as I ca-" a younger version of Marcy I would hear her voice get cut off with a thud. "Marcy! you okay?" "YEP!" as the voices faded.  I'd turn to my right and heard voices calling and yelling my name as I closed my eyes and covered my ears. and yell it to stop "STOP IT!" as I kneeled down to the ground I'd hear the sound of explosions and screams. "STOP!" I'd repeated. "enough is enough" I'd hear a familiar voice. "Nora good to see you again even tho it's been 2 days." as I turned I saw something that looked like Bogart. "Bogart what's going on?!" I'd yell at him as I stood up. Bogart smiled and changed his gaze to my Journal. "I see you kept notes about your stay?" Bogart would say as he swiped it from the ground before I could reach it. "Hey! give it back!" Bogart flipped threw a few pages. "Interesting Nora." Bogart would close the book and would throw it behind him into the liquid black water. I'd throw myself towards Bogart in rage but suddenly before I could even move I was grabbed by a shadowy figure and was thrown to the ground hard. "Nora, do you really think you can hurt an illusion?" Bogart would say as I turned to look at the shadowy figure and saw it was him. "What do you want Bogart!" I'd yell at him as I felt something painful in my stomach. "Oh, nothing but to teach you a lesson besides being with the rebellion will only get you in more trouble since I've studied the magic of amphibia.." as I gave a disgusted face at Bogart I would notice my stomach was covered in black stuff and was spreading and the more I tried to move the more it spread with pain hitting me hard. "Bogart what is this?!" I'd ask him as I clutched my stomach. "Nothing that will physically hurt your actual body but will hurt so much that you would want to return home and never come back here." Bogart walked away with a smirk. as I started to wake up I'd Hear the noises of Ed and Milly. "Jeez, I wonder what's with them today." I'd say out loud to myself as I heard Edward coming out of his room. "Hey Ed why were you fighting Milly?" Ed would turn to me annoyed. "Oh she's just mad that she has to go live with are cousins for the rest of the month.  "Wait Milly is leaving?"  i'd respond in shock. "Yeah, she's leaving. it's mostly Dad's idea he thinks it is good for her since you know the recent events we had she felt left out a bit but she's still young so yeah." as Ed left the room i got up and collected my thoughts about my dreams again and decided to head to sparing class today even tho it's not really necessary when I am about to finish all the lessons. ||lil time skip|| as i arrived at the training area I'd see Lizzy but not Ed. "Hey Lizzy!" I'd greet the cyan frog as i approached her. "Oh, Nora how's it going?" I'd walk across from her grabbing a wooden sword and getting ready to spare some. " Oh, just the usual." I'd say as I approached her with a swing of the wooden sword. as me And Lizzy finished up are sparing I'd sit down on a log. "So Lizzy do you wanna go to town with me?" Lizzy smiled and nodded. as we got to town we saw some Toads entering the town as we did too.. as Lizzy saw the toads she pulled me aside into a corner "Lizzy why are we hiding?" I'd ask but Lizzy would shh me and I started to notice frogs above us "Nora Toads are here we gotta get ready for battle." I'd realize what Lizzy was saying. today is taxes day and the resistance is rebelling today against the toads. I did say I won't join the rebellion but I will defend the town even tho nobody really knows me or likes me. as the toads parked their wagon they started to talk. "its quite a bit too quiet" a Toad would say as they looked around. suddenly a band of Frogs with weapons jumped at the toads and before i knew it Lizzy was charging in. a battle would break out as i stood in the dark corner and noticed that Captian cores was in the battle as well. I'd pull out the wooden sword and went after the Toad who was fighting Lizzy and together me and Lizzy took them down. as the toad dropped to the grown he dropped their sword and I picked it up and threw my wooden one away for the Steeled sword. as Lizzy and i spilted up i'd got jumped on by a Toad and the Toad was the same one who saw me in the cart with my Journal. "You?" the Toad said confused. "Yeah me!" I'd push the toad off and swing my sword at his hammer. as i blocked his hammer I'd start to struggle to keep it blocked. "funny to say i saw another creature like you i was gonna tell you but now is a good time." as The toad said those words my expression went in terror. "What did they look like?!" I'd ask as I pushed the toad off his feet. "Ha, why would I tell you? you have no value to anyone except maybe the LT." As I lowered my sword thinking of who it could be Anne? Sasha? Marcy???. Suddenly Pain went threw my body as I got hit by the Toad's Hammer. "Ha Pethtic creature all you care is about your friends and peace." As I struggled to get up and gasped for air feeling my ribs having pain in them I'd look at the toad not even daring to say anything back. "what? cant respond since you're in so much pain of the shock??" the toad would say as he mocked me. "Listen up you frogs!" the toad would say loud enough to get everyone's attention from the battle. "This creature here is pathetic and if you want it to live then hand over Captian cores." i'd look to my right and saw Captian cores dropping his weapon and lifting his hands up in surrender. "Nora!" i'd hear Ed and Lizzy as they rushed over to me as i struggled to keep myself up I let myself fall to the muddy ground. "Captian cores.." I'd say weakly as he gotten close to the Toad. Captian cores would get cuffed and taken into the cart and the toad would look back at me. "the other creature.." the Toad would say slowly. "they live in wart wood.." as the toad headed away I'd get lifted up by Lizzy and Ed I'd look to them both and said. "do you know where that is?" Lizzy and Ed looked at each other and Nodded. as we got back to the hoppers We asked Hedrick to give us a ride there but before we could I was pulled away by Gregersin the purple newt. "Ahem," the Purple would say as he was alone with me Ed, And Lizzy. "Captian cores wants you to have this bronzed armor and you have a special mission to do at wart wood the recommended strategy is to stay undercover and not to blow it... I'd take the armor from the Newt and went to my room to pack some of my stuff and put it on. as Ed and Lizzy and Hedrick met me at the wagon Hedrick looked at me and smiled. "Nora this might be the last time you see me and Milly." I'd give Hedrick a thoughtful look but I'd notice Lizzy helping me into the wagon. "you gotta also be easy on your ribs and lungs for a while." I'd see Ed hoping to shotgun and turned to me "yeah you gotta so that's why I'm coming on the mission as well and Lizzy is too and we got a place to stay as well." I'd smile at the frogs and we started to head towards the road heading to the town called Wart wood.  

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And that's my cue to say we're almost there to Reunion and the next chapter A special mission is gonna be a Part 1 and then Part 2 is gonna be ofc Reunion!. if you wanna ask any questions for example: why dose Lizzy care for others so much? just let me know by starting it in conversations. or comments if you want. also, this part was a bit short due to saving some of the story for a special mission and Reunion. also do let me know if i missed spelled anything.

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