Part 7: a special mission 1/2

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POV: Nora.

As I finished tightening my scabbard I'd see we were approaching Wartwood we would see a bunch of frogs gathering at a stage. "I wonder what's going on over there." Ed and Lizzy would look over to the stage "Yeah I wonder what's going on." Lizzy would respond curiously. "Kids were staying a low profile so do so!" Hedrick would say with annoyance. as I pulled up my hood I would notice something familiar about someone in the crowd. "is that?" I'd say to myself as I noticed someone walking with one shoe and had bushy brown hair that looked a mess. "Anne?" I'd say out loud to myself and started to lift up my mask and adjust my classes on top of the mask. as Hedrick pulled up to some kinda Inn I'd look over at the crowd and would see it clearing out and I'd spot an orange frog with a pink frog which was an odd color for a frog to be pink and a purple Tadpole with Anne. as they looked over to the area I was I'd hide by pulling my hood down tighter so they wouldn't notice me. as Anne stared at me for a few moments she'd shake her head and would walk off towards the wagon and headed out. "So Nora what's the Mission anyway?" Ed would ask as I watched Anne. "Oh Uhm.. the mission right." I'd respond to Ed with tears held back as it has been a month since I've last seen Anne. "The mission is to protect the so-called freedom frog named Hoppidah planter since toads from toad tower might come for him soon so it's good we get here first" I'd say with pride. Lizzy would hop over to Ed's side and look at me with soft eyes.  as Hedrick came out of the Inn he'd smile and start to grab some of our stuff. "You kids go inside unless one of you wanna do patrol on the roof tops." Hedrick would end with a pause. "ill go by myself I need to gather some thoughts of mine.." I'd say as I grabbed my journal and Nodded to Lizzy that she can come. as I jumped onto a roof i would notice frogs being directed by Anne for some kinda revamp? or party? i'd start to write in my journal about memories with Anne, Marcy, and Sasha

"Anne you sure you don't wanna read it??" I'd say as I waved Cynthia Coven's book. Anne would push the book out of her face as we sat in the living room. "No thank you. you and Marcy can enjoy it but I'm not really into that kinda stuff." I'd roll my eyes with a smile and scuff at her. "Anne have you ever thought about how Sasha acts?" Anne would look at me a bit confused. "What do you mean?" I'd shrug at Anne and continued to read.||time skip|| "So did you like it?!" Marcy would ask with excitement on her face. "Yeah, it was really good!" Marcy would smile really big "So you said you wanted to help out with the plants?" I'd ask Marcy trying to remind her that she asked to help out with some of the plants I had back at home. "Yeah but sadly my family wants to meet up later this afternoon." Marcy would sigh as she looked at her phone. "You okay Marcy?" Marcy would look at me with a fake smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." i'd smile at Marcy and gave her a quick hug, and wave by to her. "Oh wait Nora" i'd look back at Marcy confused. "Here's book 2 of Cynthia coven's." I'd smile at Marcy "Thanks!"||time skip|| "Come on Nores!" I'd chase after Sasha as we ran towards the Park to Meet Marcy and Anne. "We better get there quickly before Marcy tries to play Creatures and Tavern without us!" I'd respond as we got closer to the park. 

"Hey, Nora snap out of it!" I'd lift my eyes from my Journal to look at Lizzy. "I think that's the frog" Lizzy would point to the Orange frog that was with Anne. I'd realize that they did a lot of work while I was daydreaming/writing in my journal and would notice a Statue of Anne? "How the heck did Ann-" I'd pause realizing I never mentioned Anne or my friends to Lizzy Ed or even Hedrick.. Lizzy would look at me a bit confused and would look down at the statue of Anne and then back at me. "Friend of yours??" Lizzy would say tilting her head. "Yeah, you could say that." Lizzy would look me dead in the eyes. "I've known ever since you know the Toad said that someone like me was here too.. so I knew my sister was here when I saw her at the crowd when we first got here.." Lizzy smiled and Nodded. "I understand but next time at least let me know when you see your friends." I'd smile at Lizzy and would notice people of wart wood screaming as Anne's statue fell down into flames. "Lizzy we gotta help!" I'd yell as I got ready to jump Lizzy Grabbed my arm. "We will but keep your hood and Mask on we can't let people know who we are." I'd grab my mask and pull it up and put my glasses on top of it and lift my hood up. as i saw a snail rushing around I'd point to the people and trouble Lizzy would nod understanding what to do. as I jumped onto the snail I'd grab people on top of it and ride to safety behind the walls of the small town. as i continue to grab frogs onto the snail and bring them to safety back and forth I'd stop to see everyone was safe now and would see Anne talking to the Pink frog and as I left my gaze on her she would look at me a bit shocked. as the pink frog stared at me as well i knew they saw me. "Do you know this newt?" Anne would start to walk towards me but I'd get pulled away from Anne by Lizzy in an Ally as Anne and The pink frog chased after us they call over. "HEY STOP!" I'd held back my tears and started to climb up onto the rooftops losing Anne and the Pink frog. "What the heck Nora!" Lizzy would say in anger. "S-sorry..." I'd reply as Lizzy took down her hood and mask she'd look at me with soft eyes. as time passed I'd noticed Toads coming into town and one of them would speak to Anne and point to the bridge as I looked over at the bridge I'd notice a soldier turning to Anne. "Is that?" I'd say out loud and as the soldier pulled down her Hood Blonde hair was revealed. "SASHA!" I'd hear Anne say out loud. "Nora you shouldn't engage!" I'd jump down the wall and up onto a tree branch to get a better look without hearing what Lizzy had to say. I'd have tears coming down my face as I saw it was Sasha and my sister Anne back together.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rip my soul The second last episode of Amphibia season three is out and now the second last ep of season one of If there are four is out the day after :< can we all just admire the fandom and the art and comics and the theories and Fanfictions that have started bc of this Series? when I hit season 2 I'm going to do my very best to make every moment remembered of the great show that exists.

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