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I had never flown before in my life

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I had never flown before in my life. It was easy to say that staring down from thousands of miles in the sky was not on my bucket list of things to do. I was more than okay with having my feet on the ground, where I would easily fall over a stump rather than plumet to the ground in a much larger-car-like metal cage that basically drives through the sky at a fast pace.

I swear the minute my feet planted inside of that plane, I felt my heart race start to pick up and my brain went fuzzy. If anything, I was sort of hoping that I would black out or pass out so I didn't have to sit through this plane ride.

It was fine, however, because Harry had given me some medicine to relax. It was more like sleeping medicine, but it did make me relax a bit from how heavy my lids had gotten. I was so tired that I didn't really think about how I was in a plane shooting myself through the sky.

If it wasn't for that medicine, I think I would have broken the arm rest from how hard my hands had clutched it. I always knew I had anxiety, but boy did I find out that other things definitely gave me anxiety on that plane.

One example is the baby that was a few rows ahead of us that would not stop crying the entire plane ride and the screams were so loud that I even started to feel the rasp in my throat, myself. I had worked with kids all my life, but babies crying really did give me anxiety. There was a big difference in toddlers crying, and actual babies that their mom had just shot out a few months prior.

I didn't know how Harry did it. He sat there the entire plane ride and read a book. He wasn't even bothered, but then when I looked around me, everyone else was doing the same thing. Playing games on their phone, listening to music in their headphones, some even had laptops out and was doing whatever the fuck you do on a laptop.

Meanwhile, I was sat there with my heart pounding out of my chest.

The best part of this plane ride was when I felt the wheels hit the ground and I could savior the sweet taste of being back on the ground with no problems. I was alive, so I thought. Unless I had died and just didn't know about it.

I could have kissed the ground when we got into the airport, but Harry was barely letting me take a breath of relief before he was taking my hand and leading us to our baggage so we could get the fuck out of here.

Harry was acting very weird, like, the minute we had landed. It was like there was a switch that flipped inside of him and he was on a mission. I mean, technically, yes. We were on a mission, but he was really quick with everything.

Grab the baggage. Go outside. Wait for some guy named Pete to come pick us up.

He had told me that Pete was a close friend of his. I could only assume that Pete had watched Harry destroy himself on pills and booze for years before he decided to clean his act up.

I was nervous by somethings. Nervous to meet Pete. Nervous to see what we were going to do. Nervous about a little bit of everything. Harry hadn't really told me much of what we were going to do in London, but I trusted him to do the right thing and hopefully, know what he's doing.

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