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I was dressed in a white gown that was adorned with lace, crinkling all the way down to my feet

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I was dressed in a white gown that was adorned with lace, crinkling all the way down to my feet. It covered my chest and my arms, leaving room for anybody's imagination. The tight white collar was nearly choking me when I had put it on and I had my hair in a tight bun the way they told me to put it.

The women were lined up by the door of the cabin while we waited for Angela to come out and lead us down to the lake where we would be baptized. After this, we were going to a bon fire to warm up. They left no time to waste, they were immediately diving straight into everything.

The men on the other side were dressed in white pants and white button ups. I saw Harry from across the way with his hair pulled up into a tight bun as well, his hands in front of him as he watched the men come out slowly one by one.

"Tonight," Angela's voice boomed as she came out from the cabin, "We take back our purity. Every single one of you will be starting on a clean slate, washing away all of your sins and leaving you to be clean and pure like God had intended."

I mentally rolled my eyes. It was fucking freezing and I was highly annoyed that we were doing this in the cold, and even more annoyed that my mom was sharing a room with us. I was convinced that she was going to kill me in my sleep. I just knew it.

"Tonight! We become new!" Angela called out with a wide smile as she opened her arms to God in the sky. She turned her head, nodding over at Harry across the way and he nodded back at her. They started leading us towards the lake quickly.

In a straight line, we walked. The wind was vicious, not cutting any of us slack as we trudged our ways to our own torment. I watched the leaves fly by my feet as I walked, then gazed at the dead trees besides us. We weren't wearing any shoes at all, and I would be shocked if we didn't catch a cold after this.

Soon enough, my feet were met with rocks and all of us started to sway as we tried to walk carefully on the rocks down to the open lake. People were hissing at the rocks stabbed them in their feet, some had almost fallen over from losing their balance and others were laughing in enjoyment.

I, on the other hand, was looking ahead of me as I let in a deep breath and tried to keep walking without being bothered. I noticed that Harry wasn't having that hard of a time walking on the rocks and had made it down to the bay of the lakes very quickly.

Wasting no time, they started pulling in people one by one and cleaning them of all their sins. I could see people's goosebumps immediately raise the minute their feet hit the water and they cried out as they walked until the water raised to their hips. My mom and Angela were the ones that were the ones to baptize, their hands crossing over people's chest in a cross figure before dunking them under, screams leaving their lips as they went under and when they came up, their eyes were wide with shock.

The worst part was that they did not hesitate to make them stand on the bay side and not let them go to the fire afterwards. My eyes tried to find the bonfire, but I was starting to think that the fire was going to be somewhere else that involved walking and freezing our asses off until we got there.

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