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Complete and utter darkness.

It engulfed me again. I wished I could say that I was cold, but the warmth of the flames were just lightly grazing the skin of my back, causing my skin to sizzle and pop as it cooked for the people's next dinner. The panic set in the moment I found myself in that place again, but I couldn't wake myself up. I never could before it was too late.

"You've been seeing me, haven't you?"

I wished I could've lashed around, given some sort of answer, some sort of anything that tells the voice I was listening. I wished I could've reasoned, but there was no reasoning with a nightmare. I envied those who could get themselves out of there in a snap, but I struggled every single time.

The tingling in my body flooded through my hands and toes. My forehead was hot, buckets of sweat nearly putting out the fire from below me. Every time I was here, I panicked first. There had to have been something different to do this time, something that I hadn't done before.


Relax, I told myself.

The more I struggled, the faster down I went. The same pain in my lips resided where they had sewn my lips shut, where my eyes had been welded together, causing me to not see. My breathing was shallow, having this impending doom feeling wash over me plus the feeling like someone was watching me.

Where are you?

"In the shadows."

My breath hitched at the familiar deep, scratchy voice that appeared by my side, though still far. Could he hear me? All this time? All the times I begged and pleaded silently for it to let me go?

I didn't spare another thought. Too terrified of having a half-ass conversation with the voice that tormented me for some time.

"Why so quiet?" a beat of silence, "Are you scared of me, Anna?"

Another beat of silence. I was stuck in a never ending loop of purgatory. A sudden coldness brushed over my body and I felt a presence that was undeniably next to me. Too close for my comfort. The silence suddenly filled with loud screams, and I knew that it was another repetitive nightmare I couldn't escape.

"Don't be scared, Anna."

My body paralyzed, I felt my body float down towards the heat of the flames as the charred, mangled hands grabbed at my legs to pull me down. A sense of panic flooded my body, it was like my heart decided to work out a mile run. My fingers twitched, face pinching tightly as I tried my hardest to fight against my deathly fate, if I could just move–if I could just get my body to fucking work, I could fight against this.

"After all..."

What felt like a hot nail pierced the skin in my leg, making my body jolt, yet stay so still. In my head I was screaming, crying, panicking. The pain felt so real. Like a hot iron digging its way into my flesh until I felt it hit the bone and curl inside of me to grip the flesh it had just pierced.

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