A Plan

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Me and Callum walked to the Dragon Queen's lair and stood at the entrance. On the way here, he told me about a spell that basically showed the history of a place. I think I know what he's trying to do but i'm not sure how it works.

"Here, give me the necklace." He said.

I looked at him, skeptical, but unhooked the clasp and put it in his hand.

"What really happened here?" Callum mumbled, holding the necklace in his palm.

He made a fist and the necklace broke. Small puffs of sparkly teal smoke came out of the broken necklace. He used the smoke to draw a rune into the air, chanting something along with it.

The rune disappeared and the teal color sent a shockwave to the whole room, encasing it in some kind of spell. A holographic figure with wings flew out from behind us. The elf flew down towards Zym's nest where a glowing egg was.

"He's turned the Dragon King to stone! We have no choice, we have to leave! Now!" The elf said to two other figures.

"It's them!" Callum gasped, shaking my shoulders a bit. The two figures were Rayla's parents.

We watched the scene play out. Rayla's parents stayed back to fight, while some other elves decided to run off. Rayla's parents didn't run off, they stayed and fought. Callum looked at the holograms and quickly sketched something in his notebook. Once the spell finished, he motioned for me to follow him.


We both walked outside the cave, glancing at the sun which started to set. Walking up the stairs, Rayla was sitting at the edge, staring out into the orange and yellow sky. She looked down and I heard her sniffling. Callum and I rushed up to her, his notebook in hand.

"Rayla, we know what happened.." Callum said, with a hopeful expression.

Rayla sighed, wiping a tear away.

"Callum did a spell and we saw what happened back there." I said, sitting beside her.

"Huh? That's impossible." She answered, skeptical.

Callum opened his notebook and flipped through some pages. "But it's true!" He said, pointing to a sketch of her parents.

Rayla smiled. "That's them.."

"You guys really did see them."

I nodded. "Some of the dragon guard ran, but your parents stayed and protected the egg until the end.." I told her.

Callum added some details to the story, like how Viren stole the egg. That bastard.

Rayla had a look of realization on her face. "They saved the egg.. Zym is alive because of them!"

She hugged me and then pulled Callum into the group-like hug. She seemed to tear up a bit.

Letting go, Rayla glanced at the sky. "What does this mean? What do i do now..?"

"It's your choice Rayla." I said.

"Yeah.. It is.."


"Okay, here's our situation." Callum announced to everyone grouped on the stairs.

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