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Hey guys hope to see all you viewers that read my first book, if your new then I recommend reading my old book first and then come back here, it's called difficult love. Hope to see you all here, and thanks again.


to say I was in shock was an understatement, I was petrified. These are the streets I walked and almost got raped. These are the roads I took and was almost shot. These are the side walks where I heard screams of beatings and misunderstandings. These are the places I saw my mother get stabbed, my sister burned, and my father....left. Left me for dead! I always knew I had to return here, so I could finish my mission on saving every single women and getting them to Shydoaún. A island that was in the ocean, almost Caribbean. Well the palm trees and coral reefs make it seem like it, it defiantly feels like heaven and the women deserve it and of course we needed to thank the people that lived there it's almost abandoned no one knows about that population and the women can actually marry and not because they were forced too but because they wanted to get married. And seeing these people happy is what I live for. It's my mission I promised to finish, but being back here now! With all the elemental masters. That is terrifying me out of my bits. I didn't even realize Lloyd tried to get my attention.

Lloyd:" Y/N! Can you here me!?" I didn't respond I was in to much shock.

Ryder:" oh no...."

Lloyd:"what!? What is it!?"

Ryder:" she's having a panic attack!!" I numbly saw everyone's face drop and Ryder make his way to me, speaking in the most calming tone possible.

Ryder:" y/n? Y/n can you hear me? Nod if you can" I slightly nodded which he knew meant that my situation wasn't that bad.

Ryder:" good, y/n focus on my voice. Listen to me, your ok we're all here" ' yeah, that's what's the problem. I can't put them all in danger' I slowly shook my head saying.

Y/n:" Ryder, we need to leave"

Ryder:" there's my sister, can you move?" I nodded still being in shock but shaking it off.

Ryder:" ok, c'mon you guys heard her. We need to move!" That's when I snapped out of it and took my role again. I knew what I had to do and I knew that in these streets someone was already watching us.

Y/n:" Ryder, stop!" He stopped immediately, and i told him that we had to first explain what's going on here.

Ryder:" yeah, your right. Ok, so as you can probably guess, you guys aren't in ninjago anymore. Your in our world, Uńatra. This world Is nothing like ninjago. So brace yourself."

Camille:" what does he mean by "nothing like ninjago" what do you mean by that?" Ryder was about to explain, but I stepped in. 'No need to sugar coat it' I thought.

Y/n:"its kill or be killed, out here. That's what he meant, btw Skylor, Nya, Camille and Tox come over here please I need to give you guys guns" they stared at me and then walked over before they asked.

Tox:" why do we need guns?" I was putting the bullets into each gun which i had been hiding in my outfit, but answered quickly and sternly.

Y/n:" you wanna live, right?" They looked even more confused and I said.

Y/n:" no women can walk around here without a weapon to protect herself, and because, please don't take this the wrong way, you guys are ripped and in good shape. You guys will be number one targets of getting raped or killed" They didn't say anything they were to shocked, they didn't know what it was like. But I knew, I knew what it was like because I went through the same thing. When I was done I handed them and asked.

Y/n:" do you guys know how to shoot" Nya and Skylor nodded but Tox and Camille shook their heads.

Y/n:" ok well time to learn then, also these are quiet guns so their bullets aren't loud which works in our favor, of not being spotted" I said and then pointed at a sign that Tox and Camille were supposed to shoot, and they did, they at first missed but then each gained a shot and I told them that was good.

Y/n:" ok, now I don't want to haste but we gotta move, and for the rest of you. Considering the fact that your all guys you should be fine, but then again if anyone sees you guys with me you'll probably be killed or tortured, and the girls will be raped and then probably hurt during it! So yeah we better move" and that's when the guys asked.

Jay:" why would they kill us because were with you?"

Kai:" yeah, I don't get that either?" I was to focused on walking and didn't want to answer to this so I let Ryder instead.

Ryder:" oh, that's because y/n an outlaw here" he said that like its normal. And the others.....well let's just say that shook them.

Everyone:" WHAT!!!??" I immediately hushed them and continued walking out of this stupid town.

Lloyd:" why are you an outlaw here?"

Ryder:" because, y/n saves women from being beaten or raped or whatever, you get the picture, and brings them to a safe place far away from here. I help her but she does most of the work" 'aww, thanks bro'

Cole:" how do you get the women out?" He said in an impressed tone.

Ryder:" oh, hehe yeah that's the illegal part. Y/n breaks into homes and...........kills every man in her way to get the women out" after that there was silence no one dared to speak and I understand, their probably scared of me now or think that I'm a demon for doing that.

Ryder:" al though. She only kills when she has too. She tells them that if they hand her the women freely then she'll let them live and leave them alone. The first time she did that the answer she got was a bullet near her heart!" I could tell the ninja were frowning at the thought of someone hurting me. That's when I felt a hand in mine I looked up the persons shoulder and saw Lloyd and all the elemental masters were........ wait, there smiling at me!? Even sensei garmedon and master Wu!? Wow, ok I did not expect that! But never mind. We continued walking and the silence was dreadful until I realized what everyone was thinking.

Nya:" how do you know all this stuff? The guns, the rapes, the beats, the torture, the killing. How do you know that that is what happens here to women?" I stopped walking for a minute and everyone looked curios and concerned for the answer, but I couldn't answer it without bursting into tears so I brushed off the question and kept walking past them and said.

Y/n:" we better keep going" 'four words, four words was all I could answer with' I could hear Ryder sigh and then whisper something to them and they all gasped really, really loudly. I could feel their sorrowful looks and pitiful stares at me but I kept walking...until. I stopped. My senses were going crazy. I was right before.....someone has been watching us this entire time.

Hey guys hope you like it. Sorry it's a short chapter I'll make the next one longer, love y'all, and thanks again for reading my book it means a lot. Stay safe and healthy.

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