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 Yup! Heard that right. War.

Enjoy....I guess?

Don't really know what there is to enjoy? But, hey! It's about time they took a stand. Warning the war scene is shorter cause I'm running out of patience.



It's been a week since I woke up again and a lot has happened, and by a lot I mean a lot.

The resistance, and by that I mean my resistance, has been attacking the main and most important companies, trafficking, exports and imports, corrupted ceos and military reinforcements. Each and every one of these were under bad corruption that were involved in the women torture and laws.

The next step is judges, lawyers and courts. Once we have them we are expecting civil war against the military troops of Uńatra and Shydaún. We knew that avoiding a war was impossible, but in full honesty I'd rather have them surrender and fall into custody, than risk more innocent and freedom loving women. 

But after a week of full frustration and hatred of realizing that my powers were indeed gone. We didn't have another way.

Our original plan was for me to attack and free this country with the resistance by taking over the radio stations, military force, courts, and last but defiantly not last. Mayors office.

Once overthrown, we could have taken Uńatra back and put all the people in prison. But now that my powers are gone and people know where Shydaún is we have no choice but a war.

No matter how much I detest the idea of a war, considering war is the enemy itself.

We have no choice....

Currently, I'm under house arrest. Courtesy of my fiancé, Lloyd has put me in house arrest after figuring out I have been punching a punching bag when ever he was gone.

Little does he know that the elemental powers blood is still in my body and that it's literally impossible! To get rid of the baby.

And I would never! EVER!!! Put my child in danger. But Lloyd apparently doesn't know that, or get it.....

I was thinking about how I was going to escape my, for-now, prison, until I heard a knock that snapped me out of my thoughts.

And in came....

My fiancé!

'Who else would I expect? I mean come on! I'm pregnant, not helpless!'

Lloyd:" hey angel" I looked up at him and gave him a "really" look while raising my eyebrow.

Lloyd:" I know your mad because I gave you house arrest, but I had too! You can't do something like that, not only could it hurt our child but you too and I can't take that risk"

Y/n:" Lloyd, for the last time! The baby, literally! Can't die! I still have the elemental powers in my blood, therefore no harm can come to the baby and besides...I would never endanger our child" i said with sincere eyes. He sighed and sat down on the bed with me, I sat up and looked him in the eye.

Lloyd:" I know, but you could...you can't go to this war, n/n. If you would there would be a danger of something happening to you and if that were to happen I would never forgive myself! Not to mention our child would probably-!" I kissed him before he could say anything else, I didn't want to hear it. 

In all honesty, I don't know if I should go to war or not. The baby can't die whatever I do as long as I'm alive, but if I die or get hurt...there's a chance that the baby will die as well. If I die it'll obviously die as well.

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