Shydoaún pt 1

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Yup! It's time we take a trip to Shydaún! There's more parts of these because...well! You'll see. Enjoy guys! Love y'all. Also real quick, your Probably wondering that Rachel's now 14 instead of 12, yeah I did that so she wouldn't be too young to be in a relationship. I mean she's still young, too young. But just go with it, ok? Great let the story go on!


Rachel's POV

I woke up feeling warmth, but this warmth wasn't from me or the blanket. No.

I would know what that would feel like, this feels like.....someone's warmth!

I shot my eyes open to see Christopher sleeping peacefully as the moonlight masked his features, making him look even more beautiful. 'And here I thought I couldn't get even more warmer?' I thought realizing the blush that came to my cheeks. I took in his peaceful features and the light smile on his face making me smile even more. 

Until I realized I was staring and looked away. I looked and saw it was still dark out, I thought that I should maybe go back to my own room. Which I thought before I tried to get up, only to be yanked back down into a certain someone's chest.

Christopher:" where do you think your going?" He asked smirking. I could feel my cheeks getting worse and silently praised the fact that it was still dark out.

Rachel:" w-well I thought you'd be more comfortable if I left" I said still blushing. I saw him smile his amazing smile ' if only you knew what kind of power that smile has on me' I thought.

Christopher:" I'm not more comfortable, as a matter of a fact. This is the best sleep I've gotten since the last time we had a sleepover. Please stay, for me" he asked, I could feel my heart melt even more ' how am I supposed to say no to that!?' That's an excellent question!

Rachel:" alright, but hey. Get to close and I'll slap you to hell and back" I said while pointing a finger at him. While he just laughed saying.

Christopher:" noted" he said chuckling. I smiled and slid under the covers once more laying down, but when I did. I felt two arms slide around me and pulled me towards him making me face him. He asked.

Christopher:" this ok?" 'No!' I thought, knowing I was blushing like a mad women.

Rachel:" S-sure *clears throat* sure, it's ok" he smirked deviously before closing his eyes.

But what I didn't think he'd do. Would be resting his head on my shoulder/chest, causing my eyes to go wide and me to curse at my hormones. 

Rachel:" w-what are you doing?" I asked gulping as he snuggled closer saying.

Christopher:" sleeping, speaking of which. You should get some, meaning you should stop blushing, and ease up" 'what the fuck!? He knows I blushed'

Rachel:" you saw?" I asked, he hummed as an answer and said.

Christopher:" I could have seen it even if this room was in a bright red color so everything looked red" I blushed worse but eased up not wanting him to know I was blushing, but that's when it hit me. He's doing this on purpose! Asking me to stay, pulling me close, nuzzling his face in my chest! What a dirty trick!

'You know what! If that's how you wanna play it, fine! Let's play....'

I smirked to myself as I came up with plenty ideas of how to get our position swapped around.

I placed my hand on the back of his head and started playing with his hair. He always liked it when I did that, so I knew it was his soft spot. 

While doing that, I pretended that it was totally normal to trace one finger along your best friends biceps 'yeah, totally normal'

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