Shydaún pt 4

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 Ok there ya go enjoy.


Lloyd's POV

We were walking to the Crystal caves the chief told us about. He told us that y/n showed up and beat the guy up and that he was knocked out. The minute he told us that it made a lot more sense for me, that she was so nervous and tense.

I asked why she didn't tell us and he said that the likely reason is that he would have killed him and all of us if she would have told us or come with someone else.

I was extremely impressed with her again. Nothing new anymore.

But seriously, she's gonna be in for something when she gets home! And I mean it! To just go out there to meet a stranger without telling someone or more importantly, me!

 Im her fiancé and she put herself in danger like that! She's seriously gonna be in for something back at the house!

Freya was walking next to the chief, and he told us as we entered in a clearing.

Chief:" well, we're here. Y/n! You here?" We looked around until Freyas eyes dropped somewhere and she broke down into tears and ran over somewhere.

That's when I saw where she ran and when I did my whole body filled with horror.

I saw a bleeding, totally beaten up, covered in bruises, almost at deaths stage y/n. Who laid there motionless.

Lloyd:" y/n!" I ran over not caring for the blood, just like Freya. The others joined us and Ryder dropped to his knees in misery while Freya frantically checked her breathing.

Freya:" she's not breathing!" She said as more tears flew down her face, mine soon was also stained with tears.

Freya checked her heartbeat, we all sat in agony and stared at Freya praying to read an expression from her face.

Freya, exhaled in what seemed to be relief.

Freya:" she's alive. Barely" we all got a bit of relief while I stayed there tear stained staring at her motionless body. I took her hands in mine and looked at her in pain.

'Why, why god, why did she always have to go through these things!? It's just not fair! Ugh! I should've protected her! It's my job to protect her! And I failed! Why, just why?' 

Freya said something to Cole about needing him to create a stone carrier for her. He made one, I was so stuck on y/n that I really didn't care for what was happening. That was until I felt movement and shushed everyone.

Y/n:"I-I'm s-sorry *heavy pants* I-I s-sh-should hav-ve told you *coughs* *coughs*" I smiled a painful smile and said.

Lloyd:" it's ok, it's ok. You'll be ok, you just need to use your power so we can heal you" I said caressing her cheek, she closed her eyes and shook her head.

Y/n:" h-he took m-my powers *coughs* *coughs* I-I c-couldn't do anyt-thing about it *heavy pants*" I couldn't believe what I just heard, 'he what!?!!? THAT BASTARD!!!!!! I swear I'm gonna kill him!!!'

They all gasped as well and Ryder looked at her blankly, probably having heart attack.

Ryder:" and you still survived that? How?" 'What? Why- wait! Does her powers being taken hurt as much as it did when Claus did it? That son of a bitch!!! He better dig his grave cause he's gonna need one!!'

Y/n:" guys, listen I-I don't have much t-time left *heavy pants* please, c-carry on with t-the resistance, this world needs them. M-my master, Yang, s-should be able to b-bring you b-back to n-ninjago" 

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