Facing father

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 Hey guys hope you liked the last chapter. Did have an smut Full ending. Anyways hope you like it.


Lloyds POV

To say last night was amazing would be an huge understatement. I'm glad she was ready, I hope she was actually ready and didn't feel pressured, but I knew she would tell me if so. 

I was already dressed and looked down at my angel that was still peacefully sleeping. I sat down at the edge and caressed her right shoulder with my left hand I leaned in and kissed her forehead. She really was like a angel to me only last night...she wasn't that, how do I put this, behaved. Yeah that's a way to put it. I started to feel her move and separated my lips from her forehead. She fluttered her eyes open and smiled the minute she saw me, so did I.

Lloyd:" morning angel" she smiled and lightly giggled at her nickname until she asked.

Y/n:"mornin greenie, what time is it?" I locked to the clock which said 8 : 52 

Lloyd:"close to nine" she groaned slightly, saying.

Y/n:" damn, I'm tired and I've been tired before but never like this!" I laughed at her. Technically what she's saying makes sense and I'm not surprised after last night. I kissed her forehead one last time before saying.

Lloyd:"c'mon get your cute butt out of bed and get dressed while I get you coffee"she smiled at the word coffee saying.

Y/n:" your a life savior" she said as she dragged me into another kiss and then pulled away slightly sitting up, and I made my way to the door where I blew her a kiss and closed it.

When I got the coffee. I got back up upstairs, and knocked on the door not wanting to invade her privacy. I heard her scoff and say in a sarcastic tone.

Y/n:" ah, yeah you can come in. Don't worry I'm covered head to toe in clothes..although I don't see why you'd bother knocking if I wasn't" I laughed when she finished her sentence and saw a fully dressed y/n who looked stunning! Jesus! How the hell does she look even more beautiful everyday! She was wearing leather shorts and a black purple top that forms her waist perfectly and I think I'm losing my mind on how good she looks. She noticed my staring and burst out laughing.

 She noticed my staring and burst out laughing

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