History Of Mutants

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'Mutants, the next stage of human evolution. Each one possesses unique abilities. Some see their powers as curses, others as gifts. The Homosapiens, or humans, often see them as a plague to be wiped out...

Change Of View

"Some believed that Mutants have been on Earth for centuries," Yukimura said, the lights turned off for his power point presentation,"But scientists have proven that they evolved in the twentieth century."

Stiles yawned, leaning his head on the desk.

"The discovery of mutants was in the late seventies, but there was a conspiracy theory that they were involved in the Cuban missile crisis in 1862. You may recognize this woman," Yukimura said, going to a picture of a woman that has blue skin and several black spotted designs in a similar way to a Leopard or cheetah,"Her legal name was Raven, but she preferred to go by Mystique. There wasn't a lot known about her after the attack in DC, there are no known family members, but she was killed twelve years later by another unknown mutant."

"If she looked like that I wouldn't be surprised if her family disowned her," Lydia stated, earning a few laughs, but Stiles just shook his head.

"She happened to be an American hero, Lydia," Yukimura told her,"Saved the president in DC, the world from the enslavement of another mutant in Egypt."

"Oh, it's definitely a good thing that she has a great personality then," Lydia said, rolling her eyes,"She's a hero, I'll give her that. But I'd rather be beautiful and a bitch than blue and heroic."

Stiles scoffed, he could hardly believe he ever liked her. Over the years she had only grown more shallow.

"Well, you are entitled to your own opinion, Lydia," Yukimura said.

Lydia smiled to herself.

"No matter how stupid and bigoted it is," Stiles mumbled to himself.

The bell rang and everyone got up to leave, Stiles being a little bit slower than the rest of them. Shouldering his backpack, Stiles winced as he stepped in the fluorescent lights of the hallway. His eyes adjusted to the lights.

The sounds of slamming lockers, footsteps, and teenagers talking filled Stiles's ears.

A lot of people talked about the class with Yukimura, the mutants.

A couple years ago, Stiles had thought Scott was a mutant at first when he was bitten. But then he went deeper into his research and learned the truth.

His Father had told him repeatedly that mutants were humans too, just like everyone else. And just like humans there were good mutants and bad mutants.

"Hey, man," Scott said, walking up next to him,"Did you hear?"

Stiles looked at him in confusion,"About what?"

"There was a mutant attack in LA," Scott said, making Stiles's eyes go wide.

Time Skip

"What started as a peaceful protest soon turned into a violent massacre," The news anchor said,"With casualties on both sides, it was rumored that the mutants made the first move of violence. But with no proof we can only speculate on what really happened. Viewer discretion advised, some of these images may be found disturbing."

Several images showed on the screen, there was a guy with feathers instead of hair and half of his skull was blown off. Another one with green skin, shot to the chest multiple times.

"It's weird," Stiles told his Dad,"They said that there's casualties on both sides but they're only showing mutant's dead bodies."

"Shut that crap off," Stilinski replied.

Stiles sighed, turning it off,"The world is going crazy, Dad."

"What gave that away? Super powered people running around during the day, or werewolves running around during the night?"

"A bit of both," Stiles answered,"What would you want to do if you could do those things that mutants do on TV?"

"I don't think it's about what I would want to do, it's more about what I would have to do," Noah answered,"Stiles, if you have the power to do something it shouldn't be a choice, it should be a responsibility."

Stiles nodded,"Alright, I'll put that next to all the other inspiring speeches you've given me."

Noah chuckled, grabbing his gun and badge, he turned to look at Stiles one last time,"I'm gonna be home late. Order a pizza or something."

"I prefer tacos," Stiles replied.

"Whatever happened to liking pizza?"

"In times like these...there needs to be more tacos. Now stop taco blocking me."

"Alright, fine, eat your tacos."

Stiles nodded, and he winced when he felt a strange buzzing in his head.

"Wait," Stiles said, standing up and hugging his Father,"I love you, Dad."

Noah hugged him back with more hesitancy,"I love you, too."

Time Skip

Stiles's eyes opened, hearing a banging at the door, groaning as he stood up.

His feet felt heavy as he walked to the door, opening it to reveal Parrish and another deputy.

"Parrish?" Stiles asked,"What's going on?"

"Stiles...I'm sorry," Parrish said, opening his mouth to continue.

Stiles heard each word, every one breaking him down even further, tearing his soul to pieces.

Change Of View

Charles Xavier pulled off the headset for Cerebro, a girl around eighteen stepping forward,"Where we going this time?" She asked.

"Beacon Hills, California," Xavier answered,"His powers aren't fully activated yet."

"So, what's going to be the tactic? Kidnapping? Psychic explanation? Ooh, or pushing powers out?" She asked eagerly.

"It won't be that easy, Sky," Xavier said,"His Father died today."

"Oh," She said, looking down,"So...None of that?"

"No. Sorry to disappoint," He said, turning his chair around and heading for the exit.

"Any idea what his powers are?"

"Unfortunately not. But he will be stronger than most."

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