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Stiles walked through the streets of New York, wearing the shirt Ava had got him under a jacket. It was around three in the morning, but he was still wide awake.

He stopped when he heard shouting, looking down a dark alley he saw a flash of blonde hair.

He walked down the alley, getting a better look at them. A blonde haired man was holding a girl by her chin, shouting at her,"You stay away from him, you understand?"

"Hey!" Stiles shouted, but they didn't hear him at first,"HEY!" He said louder this time, making both of them look at Stiles,"You like beating on all girls? Or is it just Mutants?"

"Look pal, you just need to keep on walking," He replied, pointing down the street.

"What were you doing in Queens?" Stiles demanded, not showing any fear as he shoved him back,"I asked you a question, man."

He pulled out a gun and the girl screamed,"Nicky, no!"

Stiles grabbed the gun, twisting it out of his grasp,"You gonna try to kill me too?" Stiles asked, kicking him down, then he started to hit him, but he pulled his punches, not using his full strength. But it still hurt him.

There was shouting as Nicky's friends started coming out of the building, shouting at him, one of them trying to pull him off of him, but Stiles only shoved him back, delivering another punch then another guy hit him with a bat, and Stiles grabbed the bat and threw him away and Stiles realized he was surrounded by maybe ten guys.

'Shit,' He thought, and he took off running, grabbing the bottom rung of a fire escape. He ran his feet up the wall and flipped over three of the closest guys, making them crash into the wall.

Still running, Stiles jumped over an alley gate, twisting his legs over it smoothly. More of his buddies

Stiles started to climb up a pipe on the wall, when one of the guy's grabbed his ankle, and stuck his hand to the wall to keep himself balanced. He punched the guy in the face before continuing up the pipe to the bottom of a fire escape, and he swung his legs up, and he crawled across the bottom of it.

Seeing where he was going all of them moved around the building, and thinking quickly, Stiles jumped to the opposite wall building, and his feet and hands stuck to it and he paused for a second to comprehend what was happening, before climbing up the wall as fast as he could.

When he got to the top he saw Nicky at the roof of the neighboring building and Stiles ran forward, raising his hands he webbed to one building over and he pulled, making him launch forward, and land smoothly.

Nicky tried to hit him he ducked under it and hit his leg out from under him, causing him to fall off the building, and he would have gone splat if Stiles didn't grab his hand just in time.

He shoved his sleeve down, revealing unmarked skin. No Purifier tattoo.

Stiles then looked at the man's face, it was bloody and bruised and scared. Scared for his life.

Pulling him back up just enough so he could grab hold of the edge on his own, Stiles stood up to leave.

"I know what you look like," Nicky shouted,"I've seen your face!"

Stiles took off running, jumping from rooftop to rooftop till he stopped in a populated neighborhood.

The bastard was right, he doubted he would actually call the police on him, but eventually if he continued this someone might arrest him.

He ran to a gas station and landed with a thump on the asphalt, heading inside he bought a coffee to help keep him awake, then he paused when he saw a poster on the wall behind the cashier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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