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"Whoa," Stiles said, wide eyed as the elevator doors opened to the sub level. Taking in the metallic walls and titanium vault doorways,"Why is it so shiny?"

"Endorsement with Apple," Sky said sarcastically as she and the Professor guided him through the halls to a door and it opened when they got close showing them into a giant room with hexagonal panels decorating the walls all the way up to the ceiling.

"This is our training room, Stiles," Xavier said,"Hopefully we'll be able to manifest your powers here and this is also where we teach our more...volatile gifted Mutants to control their abilities."

"You could say just say dangerous," Stiles said,"I'm not a kid, I can take it."

"Well, since he's a hundred years old, we're all kids to him," Sky said, looking down at the Professor with a smirk.

He only gave an amused smile,"I'll be outside when you're done."

"Wait, done with what?" Stiles asked, looking at Sky as the Professor left, the door closing behind him.

"The best way to get some power out of you is to trigger your emotions, and the best one in my opinion is anger. So...we're gonna get you angry."

She pressed a button on a panel and the ground rumbled beneath Stiles's feet as the room took a new form.

"What the hell?" Stiles said as rock music started to play and he realized where he stood now.

A booming voice filled the room, or rather the WWE stadium,"CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING?!!!" Sky screamed in Dwayne Johnson's voice.

"Hope you don't mind," Sky said with a slight smile,"I usually like training someone in something like this."

"So the plan is to get me angry using this?" Stiles said, gesturing around him.

"Nope, this is," Sky said, punching him right in the nose, making blood explode out of it and he felt it break.

"Agh!" He cried out, holding his nose and he grunted when it reset itself and started mending,"What the hell was that?"

"You getting angry?" Sky asked with a smirk.

"No, it just hurts," Stiles said, more frustrated than angry.

"You're healing, right?" Sky reminded him,"Which means I can kick the crap out of you and you can just get back up."

"Did I do something to offend you?" Stiles asked,"Because this kind of mistreatment doesn't feel very good."

"It's nothing against you," Sky said, walking toward him, and he backed up a step,"Come on, I'll give you a shot in," She said, patting her chest.

"Uh, no," Stiles said, shaking his head.

"Is it because I'm a girl?" She asked, then shifting into Derek Hale,"Is this better?"

"No, no it's not. And I'm never gonna get used to that," Stiles said,"I'm just not a fighting kind of person."

"You punched through a boulder," She reminded him, shifting back,"And what if I chose someone you wanted to punch?"

Sky then turned into Gerard, making Stiles's jaw set,"That's not it," He stated,"And how do you even know about him?"

"He hunts more than just supernaturals, you know," She replied in her natural voice while still retaining her natural voice which weirded out Stiles on so many levels,"He tried bombing this place a couple years back. Then he went to Beacon Hills for his daughter's funeral. And why wouldn't you want to punch this guy? I heal fast too."

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