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Stiles set the barbells down, barely breaking a sweat he lifted them again, this time over his head, letting out a small grunt he dropped them the metal clanging when it hit the floor.

"Two tons doesn't seem to phase him," Hank McCoy said, amazed at the strength the young Mutant was showing.

"Guess I can say goodbye to my strongest Mutant in the school title," Sky muttered.

"Stiles, could you try climbing the way you did at the dock house?" Hank asked.

Stiles looked at the gym wall nervously and nodded.

Walking up to it he put his hands flat against it, taking a deep breath he started pulling himself up. There was no sign of a handhold but he still climbed.

Putting his bare feet up against the wall as well he climbed higher up, then he stopped at about maybe ten feet and he turned around facing toward them while keeping his hands and feet against the wall.

"This good?" Stiles asked, looking down at them.

"Yes, you can come down," The Professor said, Stiles let go of the wall and landed on the ground in a crouch.

"What the hell kind of a landing is that?" Sky asked, walking toward him while the adults spoke.

"I don't know, it just feels right," Stiles said, going into a deep squat, his thighs touching his calves,"Usually this hurts my knees but now..." He trailed off, chuckling.

"His mutation seems to be most related to a spider," Hank said,"Enhanced strength, climbing up walls, and Sky also said he shot something like webs out of his wrist."

Xavier nodded,"I find it interesting that I can no longer access his mind."

"You can't?" Hank asked surprised,"So he's somehow blocking you?"

"No, it's not like that. When someone blocks me I can feel the barrier, but with him it's almost like he doesn't have a mind to read. It'd be like trying to see into the mind of thin air."

"Spiders are purely instinctual creatures, maybe it's something to do with that," Hank replied.

"Perhaps," Xavier replied, looking back at the two teenagers and smiling at the sight of Sky trying to hold the squat as long as Stiles.

"How long has he been here?" Hank asked.

"Just two days. He's already made an impression on Sky as you can see."

"Yeah," Hank said as his daughter fell back onto her butt, making Stiles laugh,"She usually doesn't let anyone in this fast."

"They do relate to a lot of things. Having a dark history with the supernatural, losing their mothers at such a young age..."

Upon the mention of Raven, Hank swallowed,"How did Uh...How did Stiles lose his Mother?"

"Six years ago, a type of dementia."

Hank nodded, even after almost seventeen years. It still hurt thinking about Raven like it was yesterday.

Trying to distract himself he stepped forward,"Stiles, could you try...how should I put this...shooting that fluid from wrists again?"

"Uh, sure," Stiles said, standing up straight and looking down at his wrists,"I don't really know how to."

"Just do what you did last time," Hank offered.

"Fall twenty feet?"

"Okay, not that," Hank said, walking toward him,"May I?"

"Sure," Stiles replied, holding out his wrists toward him.

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