Not A Fresh Start Anymore

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"She did what?!" Sky shouted, drawing the eyes of everyone in the classroom.

"Yeah," Stiles said,"Then I broke her arm accidentally when I threw her out of my room."

"There should not have been any accident about it," Sky growled.

"Am I gonna get in trouble for it?" Stiles asked nervously.

"If you do, I'm gonna have lots of not very nice words for the Professor," Sky grumbled.

Stiles swallowed, heading to his next class, he noticed how everyone pointed at him, whispering but it was in sympathy, not surprise or anger, which made him sense something else was going on.

When Ava approached him, he was about to ask her what was going on, but instead she threw her arms around him in a hug.

"I am so sorry..." Ava told him,"About your Dad."

Stiles froze, pulling back from the hug, he asked,"How did you find out?"

"Somebody posted it anonymously," Ava said, showing him the post, and Stiles's heart started pounding.

The one reason he had to stay at this school was gone. He wanted a fresh start, one where nobody knew who he was or what he was going through.

To not be surrounded by people with their constant looks of sympathy.

The rest of the day passed with slow motion, Stiles felt the eyes on him everywhere he went. When he walked down the hall, everyone moved out of the way like he had some disease.

Going to his locker, he was about to open it when a voice stopped him.

"Hey, Stilinski!" Girder shouted, coming toward him.

"Not today," Stiles called back.

"Look man, I just want to talk—"

The sixth sense went off, and Stiles spun around, grabbing Girder by his jacket and slamming him against the row of lockers, the bang making everyone look at him.

"Feels good, right?" Girder said,"Look, your Dad died. I'm sorry."

Stiles let him go, he needed to leave, to go somewhere else.

"I'm sorry," Girder called after him one last time.

Time Skip

Stiles found himself in the same dock house where he had first used his powers.

He just stayed there for what could have been hours.

"Hey, man," Shatter said, walking into Stiles's view along with Sky, Ava, and Andrew,"You mind coming down since not all of us can walk up walls?"

Stiles looked around, realizing that he was attached to the ceiling, he let go and dropped down, landing in front of them.

They all sat down in different places of the dock house, Shatter on a table, Ava cross legged in front of Stiles, Andrew slumped against the wall, and Sky remained standing.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ava asked.

"Because of the way all of you are looking at me right now," Stiles replied,"Like I'm something broken."

"We don't think that," Ava said immediately, but her eyes told a different story.

"I don't care anymore," Stiles said, then he nodded to Sky,"She and the Professor picked me up from my Dad's funeral. I wanted a reset, now it looks like that's gone too."

"You're the lucky one, Stiles," Shatter said,"As soon as my folks saw what I was..."

He pulled up his shirt, revealing a spiderweb crack in his abs.

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