Stiles, Meet The Mutants

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Stiles sat on the roof of his house, a half empty bottle of Jack in his hand.

"Stiles," Melissa called from the ground, only able to see his feet and a bit of his face,"Can you please get down from there?"

Stiles ignored her, something he would probably live to regret later, but at the moment, he didn't care.

"Okay...just be careful up there," Melissa said.

Stiles only took a long drink from the bottle.

"Little orphan Stiles," He mumbled,"Wow, that sounds depressing."

Reading the label over on the whiskey several times, he was kind of surprised he could read it at all.

"Why aren't I more drunk?" Stiles asked himself.

"Maybe you haven't drunk enough," An unfamiliar voice suggested.

Stiles turned to look at a beautiful girl sitting next to him, how she got there, he didn't know or particularly care.

"Who are you?" Stiles asked.

"My name's Sky," She said,"I have a long name, but you can just call me Sky."

"Hi, Sky," Stiles said,"You here for the funeral too? My Dad is dead

, my Mom is dead, the only family I have left living is my stupid Grandpa who abused my now dead Dad. It's a good thing he has dementia so he can die soon. Then I'll be a true Orphan."

"Sorry to hear that," She said, adjusting her black skirt,"You mind if I change? This is a little uncomfortable."

Stiles looked at her for a moment, then said,"Do what you want, it's a free country."

She smiled,"Thanks."

Her skin changed, something similar to blue feathers rippled down her body, changing her clothes, but not anything about her physical appearance. She now wore a sweatshirt with an X logo on it, a pair of ripped jeans, and white Nike shoes.

She let out a relieved sigh, running her hands along the jeans,"That's better."

"Whoa," Stiles said slowly, stretching out the word,"Mutant, you're a Mutant aren't you?"

"Yep," She said, looking down at the other people in the house,"Wanna take a walk?"

"Would you be offended if I said no?" Stiles asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Not really," Sky said,"You don't have a choice."

Stiles's body went rigid, his muscles acting against his will as he stood up on the roof, going back through the window and heading out the door, weaving through several frozen people.

'This would all be easier if you didn't resist,' A voice said in his mind.

'Great, I'm possessed again,' Stiles thought.

"Not quite, Mr. Stilinski," The origin of the voice said out loud.

Stiles walked outside, seeing a bald man in a wheelchair.

"What the shit?" Stiles asked groggily, having been released from the psychic hold.

"My condolences," The bald guy told him,"Forgive me for taking hold of your mind. It is an unpleasant sensation at first."

"Huh, I must be more drunk than I thought," Stiles mumbled.

"On the contrary, Mr. Stilinski, it seems you're developing a tolerance for it," He said,"My name is Professor Charles Xavier, and I am a Mutant, much like Sky who you met only moments ago."

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