Chapter 5 Peter POV

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It's been over a week since Uriah faked wanting a threesome with me and Eric. I still can't believe he went and did that. And he stole the blindfold as well, which was a nice red silk which was quite expensive.

"Babe, I heard Zeke is holding another Candor or a Dauntless thing tonight" Eric says whilst lifting my chin

"Shall we crash it?" I ask "Only if you want to"

I feel a moving lump on the other side of me to where Eric lies.

Tiddles, our pet kitten, climbs ontop of me. Her golden brown fur brushes my bare pecs when she snuggles into me. She purrs gently as I stroke her.

"When does it start?" I ask

"Probably in a few minutes"

"Let's get ready then"

We both get dressed into multiple layers, ready to crash the game of Candor or dauntless. As we both step outside of the door, Tiddles tries to follow us.

"Sorry sweetie but you have to stay here!" I say gently, picking her up and placing her on her bed.

Her white and brown body flops onto the material, just like the first time we saw her in the pet shop. We had actually planned to buy some snakes to make Eric look more badass but we saw Tiddles and decided on her instead.

Eric grabs my hand softly and we both walk to Zeke's place to crash their Candor or dauntless game.

Tris POV

Uriah is about to start of the game of Candor or dauntless when Eric and Peter walk straight into the apartment.

"We're playing as well!" Eric commands

"Number one: No Number two: How did you get in? Number three: How did you know about the game? Number Four: Peter you have cum on your face!" Zeke answers back

Peter instantly goes red and frantically wipes near his mouth with the sleeve of his jumper.

"Just kidding there wasn't thought you had because....oh god" Zeke gags dramatically

Peter glares at him with a glare colder than when he confronted me for getting faster times than him in the fear landscapes. I can't help but laugh at Peter.

"Fine...Lynn Candor or dauntless?" Zeke sighs


"Who do you like?" Zeke smirks like a five year old

Lynn quickly takes off her jacket.

"Christina Candor or Dauntless?" Lynn asks


"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Peter!" Lynn laughs

Christina sighs before getting up and walking into the spare room with Peter. As soon as the door closes, Eric shoots Will and death glare.

"If she fucking makes a move on him...I swear to god I will make sure you and Christina are either factionless or dead!" He hisses, just so Will can hear but I hear too due to his pretty bad whispering skills.

Christina POV

Peter and I just look at the floor, a metre or so apart from each other.

"Christina? Can I ask you for some advice?" He asks slyly

"What? How to give a good blowjob?" I answer sarcastically

Whilst I smile, I look at him. His eyes slightly wider than usual at what I just said.


"Oh god no please no! is too gross to talk about with you!" I spit out in disgust

"Well I'm not sure if Eric is getting the full pleasure I could be giv-" he starts before I interrupt him


Peter instantly looks hurt, like he really needed help. But there's no way I'm talking about how to give a good blowjob in a million years to Peter. Maybe Tris if she asked but...Peter?

Nopity nope nope nope!

"Please!" Peter whines

I glare at him.

"Times up!" Uriah shrieks from the other room

We both walk back in, yet Eric pushes Peter against the ground kissing him. Eric is practically savaging Peter like a horny wolf....weird combination.

"What the hell? You are not doing that in my sight!" Uriah screeches, throwing blankets
over them.

We all move into the bedroom instead to get away from the sounds of Peter and Eric making out. Zeke obviously has been forced to clean and tidy his apartment by Shauna as for once, his bed isn't covered in random bits of clothing.

"Shauna Candor or Dauntless?" I ask


We hear a loud moan from the living room suggesting that Peter and Eric aren't keeping to a PG rated make out. Uriah gags but almost runs in if it wasn't for me to point out that they might have taken the blankets off and then he would see stuff no twelve and half year old should see.

"I dare you to go into the living room and throw water over them saying 'the power of Christ compels you' until they stop and leave the apartment!"

Shauna looks obviously terrified.

Shauna POV

I walk into the living room with a glass of water, to face the couple. Both Eric and Peter are naked from what I can see and about to start anal when I start flicking the water over them.


Eric instantly grabs his clothes and puts them on whilst he covers Peter with a blanket until he finds Peter's clothing. I'm struck by how much of a good boyfriend Eric is towards Peter, not just ditching him but actually protecting his privacy...

Oh well!

"THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!" I yell, flicking water over them both

"What the hell Shauna!" Eric yells, handing Peter his clothes



Once they are clothed, both Eric and Peter run out of the door. Once the door is shut, everyone from the bedroom runs out cheering. I drop to the floor dramatically.

"I saw their manhood..." I shudder

"It's okay Shauna, you're okay" Zeke fake-cries

"Rest in dauntless-mayhem my friend"

Zeke closes my eyelids, blocking out all of the light.

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