The creature

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Once upon a time there was this small little creature
It was often overlooked by others,
mainly because it never made a show of it self
So the creature hides in the shadows, always near others, but never once a part of their groups.
By being near and just silently observing, the small creature learned to read the others, and could easily tell when one told a lie.
Year's down the line the creature once small had grown tall, and one day found the courage to show itself.
the others where shoked at first, since they never knew it where there.
They loudly started to wonder what the cretaure was, and where it came from.
The creature silently listened to their rambles and theories, neither denying nor confirming any of them.
The others grew angry at its silence, and started to mock the creature, saying it must be stupid, retarded or mute.
This made the creature look down in sadness of their cruelty.
A lonely tear escaping it's eye, quickly fading as if it was never there in the first place.
the crature looked up in determination, and spoke softly for the first time.
It spoke with sadness and love laced through its voice, it spoke of the fears, and mistreatment they had been through.
It told of their lies and misplaced anger, and it spoke of the love they had forgotten.
every once in a while while the creature spoke, a tear or two escaped its eyes. never once did the creature judge them for their mistakes, but told of ways to help mend their past and their sadness.
The others stood stunned for the first time ever, and just silently listened to the creature talk.
And when the creature voice faded away, they watched as the creature itself softly got absorbed by the shadow again.
like it never excisted in the first place, though they all knew, the words it spoke would stay with them forever.
they knew the creature would be there, silently watching, learning and evolving. so one day it perhaps again would help guide them through their life.

~dont lie about who you are, be true to yourself and treath others equally.
you don't know their battle, just like they dont know yours.

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